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76 "There's no crying in baseball"


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    Football, Tolkien, Gaming, Reading. CM!

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  1. That would be cool, personally I always felt terrible booting Wenger and now Arteta out to manage Arsenal Although he always landed on his feet of course haha. I wish you could ask them "hey, fancy being my Assistant?" although I suppose that's not too realistic either. Although I suppose taking over a club with no experience or badges, is also unrealistic
  2. It’s just gonna be another database isn’t it? Except the players are called Susan of whatever, instead of Clive. If you don’t wanna use it fair enough, but by that logic we might as well remove a lot of leagues few people use as well. Women’s football is popular these days so why not include it, feels like people are overreacting to this inclusion in the game, but there’s a whiff of “oh no FM’s gone woke” about the complaints… lads it’s just the same FM game, the little players in the match engine are still going to look rubbish, they’ll just have bigger chests.
  3. Don’t think of them as features removed from FM25, think of them as brand few features for FM26
  4. I don't really understand the "Touchline Shouts" part of the update you know they've been crap for years but they've been in the game up until now, and despite not being happy with them, no changes have been made until now, where they're completely removed? why couldn't this change have been made at some point? "a shout should happen instantly" .. alright, well you've never been happy with them so there's been ample time to make a change, any change, to how it works.... put it in a loading screen as a tip? could this information not have been relayed to us at some point? To me acknowledging they've been poor/confusing/vague for years and doing nothing about it, then just removing the function entirely, sucks. Communicating with your players during a match is a core function of being a football manager, and one of the few ways we can directly influence a match as it's happening. Who really knows what it did? Did those green faces lighting up mean things were going to improve? There was no exact science to it (i don't think we need to know definitively that a shout lasts for x minutes for example), but that was half the fun, hammering shouts in desperation trying to get your team to do something different. It's part of the roleplaying aspect of the game. And for the Create-A-Club mode you've said So it's not very popular, only 5% of people use it and that number is diminishing... but you want to improve it, but you just can't do it by the next FM... so it gets ripped out of the game entirely? Why not leave it until the new version is ready? Was it that broken? Create-A-Club was fun to me personally, and I don't know what warrants its removal from the game. And it looks like the same thing has happened to Versus Mode, Challenge Mode and Fantasy Draft. Sorry if this sounds negative,but the reveal of this UI, and a bunch of features being removed, is hardly the most exciting way to begin the journey to a new FM, and you can only have an opinion on what's in front of you. I am sure better more exciting updates will come.
  5. Will be waiting for the community to make a decent skin/ui as usual. Those screenshots look like a 5 year old mobile app. So dull, so generic.
  6. It would be silly to introduce the transfer save feature just for 1 iteration of FM, so I assume you will be able to
  7. AI transfer is just awful as you say. Really makes it hard to immerse yourself in saves. I don't know if it's allowed to link them directly here, but there are some active topics on the FM Reddit at the moment about AI transfer and some of the comments give some insight into the issues if you are curious!
  8. How do you do this please?! Genuinely one of the worst things in the game. It's embarrassing they're released in the same state every year. A "disable media" tickbox would be nice because it's beyond awful.
  9. What’s wrong with the Steam Workshop? You click subscribe on a mod and it applies it to your game.. I don’t know how it could be easier. Not sure how yours are taking days to download of showing up in different places when Steam automatically downloads a tactic go the relevant tactic folder, shortlists go in the shortlist folder, etc.. you know you can right click on a download and press “show in folder” instead of searching through folders in folders for things you’ve downloaded? Again, your browser has a default download location so it’s really not rocket science.
  10. I'm not sure that exists. You can download 'real fixtures' pack, but I don't think you can simulate/set up the game to match the current table/results so far IRL.
  11. Do 1200+ people really work for SI for free every year doing all these transfer and data update research?
  12. Hey guys does have, or know how to remove all the squad/transfer rules? E.g brexit, limit in signing u21s, home grown player requirement for certain cups, work permit requirements etc i just want to sign/sell who I want regardless of their age or where they are born cheers
  13. Ha yeah. It actually says “send to freak injury specialist” which sadly I didn’t manage to screenshot. blew my mind seeing a new screen / button after 1 million hours of FM. I had no idea it was April fools irl or ingame until it popped up so took me a while to realise what had happened
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