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Everything posted by Pablotapiav

  1. Skin is great, a little tribute to CM, right? I have an issue. it seems that my screen is too small for optimal view for this skin. I'm playing with 1366x768 on a 15' screen. Any workaround to solve this?
  2. Hi, is there a way to add option to select "last winner on a division" in a cup with basic editor as I can do with advanced?
  3. Hi I've got this issue trying to create a new comp. I have this config set currently on Zona Metropolitana league rules And below you can check that I have already enough number of teams, but editor is still saying that I only have 18 teams on that comp. I've attached file If u could help me pls. test regional.fmf
  4. I've got this news on my inbox after an interview with Cristal (peruvian club). I highlighted "fracaso" which means "failure" but it has no sense as I just got out of that interview and rest of article says I'm favourite. Maybe word should be used is "desarrollo" (meeting) as I was being part of a meeting with that club.
  5. Yes, u're right that was the pattern. Custom arrange complicated me to get an straight answer. It seems that achieving this kind of format is only doable with advanced editor. I was trying to avoid that :/ But, thank u!
  6. Hi I'm looking to know how seeds is distributed on a cup. For this I created a dummy tournament consisting on 16 teams in 4 groups. Each one has a unique seed (which is inserted on his name as well). My first experiment was with only two groups, and was easy to recognize seeds patterns (one on each group), but here I can't do it. My goal with this is to replicate Copa Libertadores old format where teams from same nation (two) where located on same group. But my challenge here is discovering this pattern. If you got the answer It would be appreciated.
  7. I wish to share a my Sunday Project that I undertook this week, drawing inspiration from the impressive work bringing back old champions league, who recreated the classic Champions League format. I took it upon myself to replicate this concept for the South American context. The Copa Libertadores has historically held the distinction of being the preeminent football event on the continent, epitomizing the pinnacle of South American football excellence. During an era when financial resources were relatively more evenly distributed, spectators could anticipate captivating matches set against the backdrop of Ecuadorian altitudes or the Colombian heat. A more equitable distribution of qualification slots led to a rich diversity of talents emerging in the latter stages of the tournament. Presently, with Brazil commanding a particularly prominent presence, and Argentina to a somewhat lesser extent, monopolizing nearly half of the available slots, preserving the authentic spirit of the Libertadores within the arena has become an intricate challenge. The patch I have developed serves as a nostalgic call to the past, allowing enthusiasts to engage in gameplay reminiscent of that era. The Copa Sudamericana, which has solidified its place in the latter half of the South American football calendar, is the successor to a turbulent period characterized by various attempts by Conmebol to establish a prominent tournament in the second semester. The Sudamericana format swiftly gained traction due to its straightforward structure and the unification of the South American region (prior iterations featured competitions that segmented the continent). Subsequently, in an endeavor to align with the principles of UEFA Cup, the format evolved into a hybrid incorporating elements of its original design, the UEFA Cup framework, and a touch of the Libertadores ethos (for instance, there was a year when only one team progressed from groups of four, resulting in lengthy match schedules). Thus, reverting to the 2009 format represents, in my modest opinion, the zenith of the Copa Sudamericana's magnificence and heightened competitiveness. In the realm of Football Manager: - The Copa Libertadores adopts the 1999 format, wherein two teams per country (league) qualify alongside the reigning champion, who enters at the Round of 16 stage. This configuration entails five groups, each consisting of four teams, with the top three advancing. - The Copa Sudamericana adheres to the 2009 format: a field of 32 teams engaged in direct elimination over two legs. Every nation is allocated three positions (2 from league + domestic cup winner), with Argentina and Brazil receiving four each. Divergences from actual circumstances include: Know issues: Libertadores: Regrettably, achieving a scenario wherein both national teams are placed in the same group proved infeasible. Additionally, Prelibertadores and Mexican teams are absent. Sudamericana: There is an absence of Mexican and guest teams in this context. Both Tournaments: The tournaments span the entirety of the calendar year. This current iteration is considered a beta version, formulated exclusively through the basic editor. Extensive testing has been conducted up until the year 2026 without any discernible issues. If an inclination exists to integrate this patch with others, it is advisable to undertake preliminary simulations to ensure compatibility. Should assistance be forthcoming in enhancing this project through utilization of the advanced editor, I would be immensely appreciative to receive such contributions. Direct download: libertadores & Sudamericana Retro.fmf Steam Link: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3026887448
  8. Hi, I can see debug in menu editor, but it doesn't seem to be working. I clicked on several options but nothing happens.
  9. Hi I would to create some latin american friendly tournaments. is this made only with advanced rules? On basic rules I don't know if I have to click on continental rules o nation rules. Because these tournaments involves youth south american teams (Copa Mitad del mundo and Copa Futuro UC)
  10. @irish kopite Could you give me some help? I want to do the same with south america competitions. Before 99 only two teams per country were qualyfied to Libertadores (winner and runner up), so this could follow what this patch is inspired.
  11. Another proof. My team is at the bottom in 1st tier, but still I'm receiving many offers for youth players which level is very low.
  12. This issue is very annoying, some young players receives several offers from many clubs (between 5 and 10) but they have no quality (3 stars as potential on a bottom league club). This issue is similar to this one which was reported on 2021: Here is an example screenshots and a savegame
  13. I received an offer including a loan offer and it seems that some word is missing (highlighted)
  14. When you receive an offer and it involves a loyalty payment to your player it has an issue (highlighted) because it says "you will have to pay a big amount to player" when this payment is not even 5% of total transfer. Maybe a rule could be set: if payment is > 10% then "a big amount" else "a tiny amount"
  15. @Kyle Brown I've logged this @Colorado thanks for notice this.
  16. En este thread pueden ir añadiendo nuevas personas a agregar pensando en FM24 que debiese salir hacia fin de año. Jugadores ANFA (Tercera A, Tercera B y Asoc. Locales que no sean de muy alto perfil no son incluidos dentro del juego. el foco principal son juveniles de las 2 primeras divisiones. O jugadores de 2da profesional que hayan sido citados y no esten en el juego aun. Para empleados, En primera A y Primera B la idea es teneros todos (primer equipo y proyeccion + algun emplado de alto perfil en juveniles). En 2da profesional apuntamos al CT del primer equipo. Desde ya gracias, colaboradores activos pueden pasar al equipo de scouting de FM Chile. Formato: (en * campos obligatorios): Jugador: * Nombre: * Fecha de nacimiento: * Club Contrato * Posición: * Lado: * Estilo de juego: * Calidad Actual: * Potencial: * Fuente: Altura: Peso: Ciudad/Region Nacimiento: Historial: Preferencias: Empleado: * Nombre: * Fecha de nacimiento: (al menos una foto para ver su edad aprox o su rut). * Club Contrato: * Rol principal: * Enfoque: (tecnico, tactico, ofensivo, defensivo, portero, fisico, general) * Fuente: Rol secundario: Ciudad/Region Nacimiento: Historial: Preferencias: Detalle: Nombre: Al menos Nombre y apellido. Fecha de nacimiento: Al menos año de nacimiento. (recordar que jugadores menores de 16 años no son extraidos al juego). - Club Contrato Posición: En formato FM (al menos la zona del campo). Lado: Izquierda/centro/derecha. Estilo de juego: Una referenia de su estilo en cancha o al menos a quien se parece. (ej: juega similar a Damian Pizarro). Calidad Actual: Como es su nivel comparado con su generación (si quieren un CA alto, deben entonces fundamentarlo bien). Potencial: idem arriba. Fuente: desde un articulo que hable de este jugador a su facebook donde salga entrenando en el club, video en youtube, etc. Detalles adicionales (opcionales): - Altura: Al menos dar una referencia de su altura (ej: el mas alto de su generacion). - Peso: Idem arriba. (ej: contextura muy delgada). - Ciudad/Region Nacimiento: - Historial - Preferencias: club/persona favorita o si tiene relación sanguinea con alguien del futbol.
  17. Every week I'm receiving more than 50 recommendations from my scouts. It's very annoying but I don't if this is a expected result, or there is an issue needs to be solved. On a user experience point of view is very annoying having to lookup for so many scout reports every week. e
  18. ucdark, sorry but no major changes on rules are made on winter update. For official version we will have to wait until FM24. ps: winter update v2 is being releasing on next few days. Chilean league will be 100% updated on that one.
  19. @ucdarkel sitio de camisetas me sirvio un montón. Quedaron actualizadas 1era y 1era B. Si tienes ganas de colaborar con la BD como scout, feliz de que te unas.
  20. @Shuanc15 eso está corregido para el update que sale pronto. @woken_sali la mayoría de la info ya está incorporada para el proximo update. Solo un par de puntos: - San Jose de Maipo no puedo creare un estadio en esta fase (habrá que esperar FM 24) - No pude confirmar que braulio leal es tmb DT proyección. - Estoy viendo aún que hacer con el Dir. Deportivo en audax italiano, quizas deje al mismo gerente con 2do rol.
  21. Esto tendrá que esperar hasta FM 2024, en esta fase no podemos añadir estadios nuevos. Lo siento por aquello, pero muchas gracias por este aviso.
  22. But his name has been related with Barcelona or Bayern Munchen. So, it seems to be accurated how currently his rep it is.
  23. Thanks for this I'll check it, and any needed change will be implemented on next update.
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