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14 "You're a bum, Rock"

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  1. They never say anything about that, it's something we have gotten used to over the years. If they decide to do it again, it will probably be 2/3 weeks before release date.
  2. Like XaW said, they have to rewrite the source code of the game for Unity, therefor they either had to rewrite it and push the delay further, or remove it to completely revamp it and hopefully comes back in FM26 fancy. But to justify the data of only 5.6% playing it, is something that bugs me, like you said it has been neglected for years, and if they revamped it sooner, more people would have played it.
  3. I get that, can you test with attacking maybe? VA is just Idk, not my thing, yet, that's personal ofcourse
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