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Posts posted by Jekermesh

  1. On 17/01/2021 at 17:14, keuk85 said:

    Hello not sure if anyone still comes here im having an issue where kits are not showing up correctly....i have kits for lower leagues in england im managing Herne Bay FC my home kit shows up but the away one does not....the kit image is inside the folder i see it as the yellow away kit but ingame it just shows up as a black kit ? the config file looks good so i dont understand why it wont show up ? any help is appreciated...im on FM 20

    the lines in the config seem to be fine .

    <record from="hernebay_1" to="graphics/pictures/team/5103798/kits/home"/>
    <record from="hernebay_2" to="graphics/pictures/team/5103798/kits/away"/>

    and the kit which i will attach is in the graphics folder....ive cleared the cache reloaded the skin loads of times and still no kit


    I live near Herne Bay! Chances!

  2. 27 minutes ago, soulsaver said:

    Great kits Jekermesh. These will really add to the experience. 

    For requests I presume you want some images or just the team and year?

    Also, are you able to do them for the 3d kits as well or am I pushing my luck ha! 

    Ive been teaching myself GIMP so I reckon in a few weekends time I could make a good stab at 3d kits. For now let me know the year and I'll give it a shot. I did the Red Star kit from 88' and found the Mister Baby sponsor an a really obscure Japanese website. 

  3. I've been fiddling Michael_Myers but got sidetracked with doing some other graphics updates to flags/nation logo's etc and I've built these USSR kits too. Nothing fancy but I like looking at them in game. I've also started changing some of the old logo's too as these modern ones are awful when you compare them with 80's style Eastern Bloc ones. :) 



  4. Just spent about 15 minutes looking at the Paxator Toshkent team thinking "they could potentially play some really expansive football"....was when I realised I needed to sleep on it and try again tomorrow. Also - and mean this in a jokey way - I love how the Yugoslavia team is basically Jan Oblak, Josef Illicic and the Croatia team. No doubt it will change with a few years of regens but it did make me smile. 

  5. Hi Wolf (and others if they can help). I have downloaded your foreign player rules just to keep me sweet until your completed mod is released - cannot fricking wait as I loved MBarbaric's old Iron Curtain mod. Quick question though - I'm fairly old hat when it comes to editing files and creating advanced rules and have been playing the game since the 90's but if I try and change your foreign player rules from 3 foreign players allowed to 1 the editor forces me to run a test to validate the database before allowing me to save it. I used to know how to do this but haven't really tinkered much with FM20 (I only bought it when I saw this mod thread) so could could you give me some advice in terms of how to run those tests in order for me to save the database. FYI - Amazing effort on this I know from my own experience how utterly boring and frustrating it can be running save after save over night and tinkering with the data to get it just right so THANK YOU for all your efforts and I can only hope you are finally feeling better after being laid low by sodding covid. All the best and thanks in advance for any help you can provide. All the best Comrade.

  6. Hi Wolf_pd. I absolutely loved MBarbaric's Iron Curtain database so am thrilled you are taking on the mantle. If you want any help doing any graphics for it, i.e flags etc I am more than happy to help. I cant see my partner, I'm a civil servant so work is insane and when I've got my kids they drive me insane but if lockdown speeds up this release then I'm willing to suffer for it! Thanks again Sir! 

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