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284 "I mean, funny like I'm a clown? I amuse you?"

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    Lewes FC

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  1. If he’s already started his save, that’s not an option. I also question how the transfer market is impacted with so many players and relatively few active teams.
  2. To increase the diversity of your player pool, you may want to consider expanding your save to include playable leagues from those regions. Adding more teams and leagues from Asia and Africa can help to increase the pool of potential players and bring more diversity to your save. Another option is to increase the continental reputation of the leagues and teams in those regions, which can attract higher-level players. In other words, use the IGE and boost the youth coaching and facilities for a bunch of foreign clubs
  3. As you mentioned, it is clear that the training facilities and stadium are important areas to consider for upgrading. Upgrading your training facilities can improve the development of your current players and potentially attract higher-quality talent in the future. This can help your team perform better on the field and increase your chances of success in the long term. However, since your stadium is not consistently full, upgrading it may not be necessary at this time. Instead, you may want to consider investing in your coaching staff and facilities. This can help you develop and train your players to their full potential, and potentially attract better-quality talent in the future. In addition, investing in your youth academy is always a good idea for building a sustainable and successful team in the long term. While you may not be around to reap the benefits, developing young talent can still pay off for the club in the future. Ultimately, the choice of where to invest your resources depends on your long-term goals for the club.
  4. I personally wouldn't opt for official FM merchandise as a gift for a fellow FM fan. Honestly, I'm struggling to think of anything FM-related besides getting them a copy of the game, assuming they don't already have it. Instead, an Athletic subscription could be a great gift option, as it offers tons of tactical analysis that could be really helpful for FM players. Another option could be a good football book or merchandise for their favorite club.
  5. I'm not sure you'll get much of a response from them. It seems like the folks at SI may not have a full grasp of how everything fits together. From what I can tell, FM is made up of a bunch of different features and systems all mixed together.
  6. No, you are not alone. Other players have also reported difficulties in finding top-class players in the later stages of Football Manager saves, especially after 10 years or more. This is partly due to the fact that the game's regen system is not perfect and can result in fewer high-quality players being generated over time. One possible solution is to increase the database size or add more playable leagues, which can result in more players being generated over time. Another option is to focus on developing young players yourself, through your youth academy or scouting network, rather than relying solely on the transfer market. You can also try to focus on finding players with high potential, rather than just those who are already established stars. These players may require more time and development, but can become world-class players over time if they are given the right training and opportunities.
  7. the "Other" expenses category includes a wide range of expenses that are not included in the other categories, such as legal fees, agent fees, travel expenses, insurance, etc. These expenses can vary greatly depending on the size of your club, the country you are playing in, and your board's expectations. If your "Other" expenses are unusually high, there may be a few reasons why this is the case: - High agent fees: If you are signing a lot of players or renewing contracts with high-profile players, you may be paying a lot of money in agent fees. Try negotiating lower fees with agents or reducing the number of transfers. -Travel expenses: If you are playing in a country with a large geographic area, you may be spending a lot on travel expenses. Try reducing the number of friendly matches or arranging travel in a more cost-effective way. -Legal fees: If your club is involved in legal disputes, you may be spending a lot on legal fees. Try to avoid disputes or resolve them quickly and amicably. -Board expectations: If your board has high expectations for the club's performance or finances, they may be requiring you to spend more money on certain expenses. Try negotiating with the board or finding ways to reduce expenses in other areas.
  8. I'm looking for an exact date. The screenshot says "End of 2028/29 season". However, when does the season end? Is it after the last game (May 13th) or when the season rolls to the new one (June 25th)??
  9. there is no easy way. I have in the past created a shortlist for all the wonderkids, but that gets tedious.
  10. I have yet to figure this out. essentially if you want to delegate that, you just have to accept all suggestions to move players, which is annoying
  11. I'm a little confused about how my scouting department compiles match reports for my players out on loan. Are my scouts actually at the matches watching my players, thus not scouting for other players?
  12. If there is another pandemic lockdown in the next 8 years, society will crumble and it will not matter.
  13. The real joke is how little information you've provided. - How many matches has he played recently? - What is his training intensity? - What is the team training schedule looking like? - What is his individual training? It is not as simple as "he has a high natural fitness so he should be fine"
  14. no. a tech director will not make more staff interested in joining
  15. Exactly… they are doing it for free so why would FM need to hire them. Those that care about better faces will download the mod. Those that don’t care as much will not bother. The entire point of my post was how the industry will not incur extra expenses when it’s not going to affect the bottom line. I would also imagine it’s a bit more complicated than simply saying that “the fan creators are better than the FM creators so let’s go hire them”.
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