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Posts posted by berggren75

  1. - Manager AI. Make the managers actually have personalities instead of just a name with nothing behind it.

    - Transfers need to be improved drastically. The whole proces with negotiations (with agents, players and clubs). In RL a player/agent often make pre arranged agreements before their club even have received an offer for the player. There are a lot of nuances missing that would make the whole proces way more entertaining

    - More detailed interaction with players. Both your players and players from other clubs

    - In the olden days, there were rare instances where a player would retire early due to injuries, private issues interfering with their career, early deaths (for regens) etc. All these incidents added some flavour to the game.

    - Interaction with the press is still way to generic and superficial. Back in the day, the press would confront you about players they thought were to old to still play for you. They would be a tad more aggresive and critical on personal levels. Added some flavour to the game.

  2. My shortlist changes constantly from season to season, as I tend to have several ready, and future, players for a given position. I can go several seasons without buying/selling a player, but when I hit a season where I need to bring in player(s), I tend to have between 20-30 options for that given position that I monitor during the season. After the season, during the summer window, I then narrow it down to 3 options with whom I try to enter negotiations.

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