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Everything posted by the_clerk_82

  1. Right, just deleted the file and downloaded an updated version and it is working now. Should of probably tried that first. Thanks for your help anyway.
  2. Thanks for the reply. Yeah i realise what you're saying, I've created a skin folder and the correct file types are inside. Never had a problem with skins on other versions of FM so really scratching my head here.
  3. I've read the instructions on here for installing skins and followed them to the letter, I've looked around online for other solutions but I've hit a brick wall. I've tried downloading several skins and no matter what i do, the only skin available in the drop down box is the base one. I've played the game for years so i have a pretty good understanding when it comes to installing graphics. All my logos, player faces, kits etc all work fine. For some reason, i cannot get a skin to appear on the drop down in game. Any help would be appreciated.
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