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Riz Remes

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117 "Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer"



  • Member Title
    Sports Interactive Developer

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    Helsinki, Finland


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    EHM, FM, hockey, floorball, Cambridge United

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  1. This is technically correct yes. Typically improving the defensive AI, such as the marking decisions at throw-ins and in the second phase of set pieces, will lead to decreased scoring overall across a season.
  2. Everything that has been reported properly to us about the ME with enough examples will be looked at in due time. And yes, one of the trends we have been investigating in past few weeks has been the defensive marking at throw-ins and in the second phase of play from set pieces in general.
  3. Free Kick Wide - Attack - select Outswinger as the delivery swing and Bob's your uncle. As long as you have setup your list of left footed takers that is.
  4. If you've got multiple "stay back if needed" set as the instructions, it is likely that some or even most of them end up using the fallback instruction (go forward or lurk outside area) because most of the opposing teams nowadays only leave one player to stay forward when defending a set piece. In some cases they might not leave anyone up. If you want to make sure both of your fullbacks stay back for a set piece, set two instructions in the Recovery Defenders to "stay back" (not "stay back if needed") and make sure your fullbacks are top of the priority list for Recovery Defenders. And then you can bump the Recovery Defenders up the category priority list (on the right side of that pop-up) if those fullbacks are still getting assigned to other categories.
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