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Posts posted by Nolopola

  1. In leagues where the transfer deadline is later, deals being made on the squad registration deadline should be rushed similar to transfer deadline day.

    For example the transfer deadline in Belgium is a week later than the squad registration deadline. So if a Premier League club signs my star player on their deadline day (which closely matches the squad registration deadline) I would want my replacement to play in Europe. But the game is like 'we still have a week, no need to rush' meaning it's basically impossible to get the replacement in time to be registered. In real life teams are aware of this and will just use the squad registration deadline as a deadline for their important tranfers.

    I suggest just having a system where if the squad registration deadline is before the transfer deadline the game also triggers that same rush effect you get.

  2. When signing a new player, you get the option to send them on an intensive language course. The language of this course gets decided based on the most commonly spoken language in the region of your club.

    I'm currently managing Genk for example and all my players get send on Dutch courses. But looking at our real life players, I don't think most of them speak Dutch. I know people we're pretty surprised that Mark McKenzie for example was actually learning it. Most ppeople at the club either speak English to each other or some even only speak their native language and use a tolk.

    FM assumes every players learns the native language but I definitely feel like I lot of clubs have English as a main language around the club, because a lot of international players already speak it and it's easier than having them learn the native language. Especially at smaller clubs where players might only stay in the country for a year or two.

    My suggestion is basically: have the option to set a general club language, which can differ from the native language of the country. When a player signs, you can then choose to have them learn either the club or native language (if they for example already speak the club language, you might want to add in the native language as well). Or have there be a chance that a player will voluntarily learn it even when not asked (like my Mark McKenzie example). 

    The could also maybe be a board requirement in club culture that the club language has to match the native language. I think Barcelona for example wants all their players to learn Spanish/Catalan and Bayern players have to learn German (I could be wrong, but I remember reading something like this). But for smaller clubs or clubs from smaller nations who don't expect players to spend years in the country, they don't tend to expect this, because by the time they properly speak the language, those players will already be leaving.

  3. 19 minutes ago, Nolopola said:

    The Bangabandhu Cup is completely broken. The game doesn't see it as a friendly, so you can't reject call-ups. The group stage gets played in January whilst the semi-finals are in February. I have lost two of my most important players for a month because of this. I never had any call-ups in previous years, so I didn't notice until 2036. Considering my players play for Ghana, who seem to be able to win it every year, considering the rest of the teams are ****. I will just be losing my players every year, considering AFCON is in the years this cup isn't on. This genuinely might have ruined my whole save.

    Alright, I was probably a bit to frustrated in this post and I should have maybe tested your files better before I used them for a long term save. But maybe a tip to you to run another test, to make sure your friendlies actually function as friendlies.

    I fixed my problem in my save by using an external editor to remove my players from the national team. (I just need to do it for pretty much the whole squad, I don't want to give myself an advantage)

  4. The Bangabandhu Cup is completely broken. The game doesn't see it as a friendly, so you can't reject call-ups. The group stage gets played in January whilst the semi-finals are in February. I have lost two of my most important players for a month because of this. I never had any call-ups in previous years, so I didn't notice until 2036. Considering my players play for Ghana, who seem to be able to win it every year, considering the rest of the teams are ****. I will just be losing my players every year, considering AFCON is in the years this cup isn't on. This genuinely might have ruined my whole save.

  5. I was interested in a player but had no money. So I made a bid for a loan with obligation to buy, a classic for teams who don't have money to pay immediately.

    My bid was rejected because the player had 'first team commitments'. Yet when I made the same bid in a regular transfer offer, it was accepted.

    I bid 15M both times at first. But I also tested with a 40M mandatory fee on the loan and it still didn't work.

    I get that teams would at times prefer getting money up front. The biggest issue is that they reject 40M guaranteed in June when they are willing to take 15M in January.

    Save from before any bids:

    • Matthias Heymans - Derby 2034.12.30.fm

    Replication is making a loan with mandatory buy bid, which gets rejected and then a regular transfer offer.




  6. So I recently left my club and I started thinking about how I don't know anything about their new signings. Which would make sense if I completely stopped following the club, but it's set as my favourite club on my profile. So in theory, my manager I would assume, would keep at least some track of his club. 

    My suggestion is that you simply have increased knowledge of the club that is set as your favourite club. The exact amount of knowledge could still depend on you player knowledge stat.

    It just seems a bit unrealistic that I know all the attributes and happiness of all the best players in the world, but I know nothing about my club's new record signing. 

    Images show the current situation of my knowledge about a Chelsea player versus a new player at the club I support (I was pleasantly surprised to see I did in fact retain knowledge of players I worked with).




  7. I occasionally look at my assistant's suggestions for team selection. But a lot of the time, they just do not at all make sense.


    This is what I would probably call my best 11 (it's hard to pinpoint one, I like to rotate a lot)


    In the mean time, if I use the best XI option in the pick menu, I get this:


    So this is what the AI thinks my best XI is. Amick for Haddouche I don't mind, they're both good players. Amick is just in better form. Barraud starting I don't mind either, he's good and has a lot of potential. And Bernal is normally good as well, he's just having a terrible season, so he's not getting selected.

    My main problem lies in the defence. Bento Smith is one of my best CBs, but my assistant decides to put him at RB. 


    My problem is: he is a left-footer with 6 crossing , 7 dribbling and  6 off the ball. His passing, first touch and teamwork aren't great either. Even as in Inverted Wing-Back, his suggested role, he's not that good, compared to his suitability as a centre back. But he is a natural left back, he's one of my better players. So he has to be in the team, the AI just doesn't care where he is, as long as he can play the position, his suitability doesn't seem to matter.


    Well who is playing at centre back then? Someone better right? Well, Sadick is a solid centre back yes. But there is no sight of my other good centre back Vujaklija.


    Instead he starts Vestergaard:


    Vestergaard is a great player and I paid a large fee to get him. But surely he's not the best choice at centre back?! He is a good passer. But his marking, tackling and positioning are very average and worse than Vujaklija and Smith. BUT he is a good player and natural at CB so the AI wants him in the team at any cost. I suppose the reason he doesn't start ahead of Barraud at the DLP spot is because he's 'only' accomplished there. But I feel that the AI should be able to see that a player is more suited to a different role and position, even if they are not a natural there. How will the AI ever retrain a player otherwise anyways?

    This doesn't just happend to my players either:
    In a different save Wolves had a very solid looking young RB. He was even quite competent going foward (which is still very rare for newgen fullbacks, despite attacking fullbacks having been the norm in football for years now). 



    But the AI constantly played him at CB. Despite being only 170 cm! I played wolves and my 196 cm striker obviously destroyed the poor kid. 

    The reason for this seems to that the Wolves manager at the time didn't play with wingbacks. And instead used wide midfielders. But I feel like the AI should in this situation show the intelligence to instead retrain him to play MR. But no, they just play him in a role he is unsuitable for, because he is already a natural there. 

    Also the next season they did play with wingbacks and he did play there. But most of the time he still played centre back.


    (I do see that his average rating that season was better at CB than in his few games at WB. But with how rare well rounded fullback are when all real players are gone. Seeing one of the few got put at CB did annoy me.)


    I don't have full documentation for some other problems. But I do also see world class strikers start one the wing with their best foot on the outside. But then again, Mbappe also plays like that for PSG at times, so that kind of makes sense. The CB at full back is my biggest gripe, especially if they have terrible attacking stats and are playing an attacking role.

    I uploaded two saves. One with my Genk example and one with the Wolves example:

    • Matthias Heymans - KRC Genk 2031.02.23.fm
    • Matthias Heymans - Southampton 2044.04.12.fm

    ( I didn't upload the June file for the Wolves example, because I figured you need to actually analyse team selection, which is hard at the end of the season.)

    I also saw this post from a couple of months ago, which kind of talks about the same issue. But it didn't get a response.


  8. I tried with a save in november 2033. Which is fairly close to a World Cup. But I could try March or May if that would be better.

    I first tested some players with a CA a bit under 130 and age over 27 (I get younger players holding out for bigger teams).  I asked both real and generated players, to see if their responses were generally different.

    I did:

    Ludovit Reis: Netherlands to Slovakia: Reputation excuse
    Robert Milanović: Germany to Croatia: Germany is more beneficial at this stage of his career.
    Michael Olise: France to England: Reputation
    Thierry Small: England to Jamaica: Reputation
    Xavi Simons: Netherlands to Spain: Accepted. Which I expected. Because the reputation of Spain is higher. And reputation seems to be a major factor in player decision.


    I also tested with some players under 100 CA. To see if they would be more willing.

    I did:

    Don O'Neil: Scotland to Ireland: Reputation
    Igor Lukic: Bosnia to Serbia: Bosnia is more beneficial. 
    Ismael El Abbassi: Belgium to Morocco: Accepted after guarantees of playtime.
    Ibrahim Danquah: Germany to Ghana: Reputation
    John Shepherd: England to Wales: Reputation

    I uploaded both the save from before I asked as: 

    • Matthias Heymans - Unemployed 8 2034.11.07.fm

    And the save where I joined all the national teams as:

    • Matthias Heymans - Unemployed 8 2033.11.07 NT Test.fm

    I was doing some tests with editor data in these saves. I don't know if it would affect things. 


  9. I was testing some things into the future and I noticed that in my future saves regens where almost always representing their birth nation. And even when uncapped at 30+, would be unwilling to switch to their second nationality.

    Looking at players nation of birth in 2020, versus regens in 2033. It's clear that the represented nation differs from the NOB much more often in 2020.

    Also in 2020 the NOB will sometimes be a better national team than the represented nation. For example Nicolas Pepe being born in France but representing the Ivory Coast.

    In 2033 if NOB differs, it always seems to be the NOB having a worse national team. For example a player born in DR Congo representing France. 




    This issue if especially noticeable in African countries, who irl often rely on talent who switch from the 'bigger' nations to them. Here you see that in 2020 7 Ivory Coast players were born in France. In 2033 it's only one regen (the two 30+ players are real players).




    I do get that not all players want to switch to a weaker national team and will keep hoping to represent their first choice country. But when joining some nations as manager and approaching older players with a low CA (under 130, which is usually not good enough for a big nation like for example France) to play for my country.


    In the vast majority of cases the response was "I want to keep commitment to this country, because their reputation is higher". 




    It just seems dumb for every single one of these players to still be holding out for their nation of choice at their age and ability level. The worst one I found was a player who refused to play for England because France had a higher reputation.


    If these players gave a different excuse like "I just don't identify with this country as much" I would already have less of an issue.

    I did also get two different responses:

    This 30 year old playing in Slovakia (if I recall correctly) did not want to switch to Turkey, because he wanted a chance to make the World Cup. Despite Turkey also having a chance to make the World Cup and his chances being much higher to actually make the Turkish squad.


    The last one actually made sense. A Brazilian playing in Brazil with Italy as second nationality, was not a fan of the travel. But was even willing to reconsider (possibly if he got a move to Europe?)


    I feel like this issue is worse in this edition and I saw more switches in previous years, but I haven't actually done any extensive tests in previous versions, so I can't be sure.

    In general I just feel like it's not realistic, when you look at real life. It also weakens a lot of national teams based in countries with lesser facilities, who irl rely on players who developed in big European countries switching nations.


    These screenshots keep appearing at the bottom and I can't seem to remove them...



  10. To be honest I'm not sure if this counts as a bug, maybe this should be a feature request or just a general discussion instead. But just in case it is a bug:


    When looking at the full names of my regens I noticed that only my Brazillian regens had two last names (paternal and maternal) and my Spanish and Portuguese (and some other South American countries where this is a thing) didn't in the majority of cases. This is a bit strange considering all those countries have the similar naming convention of the full name containing both the maternal and paternal name.

    20210207235231_1.thumb.jpg.f40b053929b15dc6d1cbe468b7d21487.jpg20210207235215_1.thumb.jpg.7caca1bfda283ec1ef9c30f843248ca9.jpg20210207235211_1.thumb.jpg.37ff6efb25f4479c6b18ce395cb96861.jpg20210207235201_1.thumb.jpg.4b43e53761957319552c31e536f1c1fa.jpg20210207235154_1.thumb.jpg.2f6af4ab5bd3df31f58e570e8b0a6061.jpg20210207235145_1.thumb.jpg.84a458ea18521705f6b2e84e3948d3ae.jpg20210207235140_1.thumb.jpg.94e6e1995df7bcb5d2ff35daf4c8054d.jpg20210207235133_1.thumb.jpg.ce54017acd382aaba5f613efb38993e5.jpg20210207235128_1.thumb.jpg.d74a3f2dc76032b18e3dc855efd76b63.jpg20210207235123_1.thumb.jpg.72d37cc8bc9f28c1a3d56d2b90a0eb33.jpg20210207234953_1.thumb.jpg.af36ce66acfa1dda927c78e9737d4090.jpg20210207234945_1.thumb.jpg.d5eeb033c965981a2ab24a5e654845c5.jpg20210207234934_1.thumb.jpg.cc5ba367a956921a7c3bc6a9cde68868.jpg20210207234925_1.thumb.jpg.f3ceda050e5d9a38a49d240848866b96.jpg20210207234919_1.thumb.jpg.989c8e310b8c315f685686181de7724d.jpg20210207235423_1.thumb.jpg.37c477a24418b6d64a9240192c121250.jpg Again I don't know if this is actually a bug or just an oversight or intentional behavior, just found in strange.

  11. Really like the file, but I've found an issue.

    I got a message that my Champions League mast against Man City was moved to a Saturday, because their U23's were playing a match. 

    Looking at previous seasons, it looks like this isn't the first time this happend, with a couple of other Champions League matches being played on the weekend and one of the teams involved always had a youth team play on the day that team was supposed to play Champions League.

    This also gave me the added issue of having to play my league game that was supposed to be on that Saturday during the international break.



    Not sure if you can do anything about it, or if this is more down to the game, but I figured I'd let you know.

  12. When a team sacks there manager at the end of the season (so end of May), they always wait until the end of June of even the middle of July(!) before finally hiring a new manager. This only happens when a manager is sacked at the end of the season. When a manager gets sacked or leaves at any other time it takes 2 weeks max before a replacement is brought in.





    If you apply for a job at the end of May/start of June you also won't get an inteview until somewhere around the 20th of June (maybe on the day the season resets?). This obviously gets really frustrating because the point of taking a job at the end of the season is that you get a full pre-season and decisions on all transfers. If you can't join a team until July, loads of decisions will have already been made.

    I uploaded a random save a the end of the season so you can check: 

    • Matthias Heymans - Unemployed 2022.05.27.fm
  13. The Manager of the Year award gets voted on at the end of the season (together with stuff like Manager of the Season) when it should be voted on at the end of the year (together with stuff like Golden Booth). It gets awarded correctly at the end of the year, but the voting is wrong. I reported this last year as well and was told it would be looked at, but it seems to still be broken.

  14. (not sure if this should go in league specific or elsewhere)

    Ahead of my cup final, my message from the board mentioned that the season had ended. I'm not sure if this it the game getting confused about the regular season having ended, but not the play-offs or if this is just a standard message ahead of a cup final, with the game assuming the cup final takes place at the end of the season. Later on the message does mention our league position in a way that indicates that the season hasn't finished (which is true).


  15. On the 16th of January I had one of my players come in to ask about his playing time, I told him he should accept being a squad player and he agreed. 

    On the 22nd of January he came back to me and said he was unhappy that his squad status had been reduced. 

    (I would post screenshots of the conversation, but interaction history seems to have been removed)


    Save before the first conversation: 

    • Matthias Heymans - KRC Genk 2021.01.13.fm

    Save before the second conversation: 

    • Matthias Heymans - KRC Genk 2021.01.22.fm



  16. 34 minutes ago, Nolopola said:

    Some initial things I noticed for Genk:

    Luca Oyen:
    He mentions in this interview that he was born in Nottingham, in game he is listed as being born in Genk.

    Daniel Munoz:
    It's pretty early, but maybe he should have some ability to play CB and DM? He's been playing there in real life and it would maybe add some realism to AI squad selection.

    Elias Sierra:
    He's training with the first team irl, in game he's still in the u21s.

    Sébastien Dewaest:
    I'm assuming there is no way for you to set him as unhappy and listed by request? Just feels a bit wrong to still have him in my team...

    Dries Wouters:

    He's been playing at DM more than CB for the past couple of seasons, he should be a natural DM, and maybe even only accomplished at CB.

  17. Some initial things I noticed for Genk:

    Luca Oyen:
    He mentions in this interview that he was born in Nottingham, in game he is listed as being born in Genk.

    Daniel Munoz:
    It's pretty early, but maybe he should have some ability to play CB and DM? He's been playing there in real life and it would maybe add some realism to AI squad selection.

    Elias Sierra:
    He's training with the first team irl, in game he's still in the u21s.

    Sébastien Dewaest:
    I'm assuming there is no way for you to set him as unhappy and listed by request? Just feels a bit wrong to still have him in my team...

  18. This might also be an issue in the full version, but it happend when I was playing the beta.

    In the match I had a substitution planned for: Häuser on for Torres. Whilst the change was pending, Gestich got a second yellow card. When the game send me to the tactics screen, it still showed the Häuser sub as pending and I brought off my striker Ion for my right back Fontes. I confirm the changes. Later in the match, I notice that Torres is still on the pitch and that Ion is now playing left back. I thought the changes just didn't go through so I made went to make them again. On the tactics screen however it did show that Ion got subbed off and Fontes on, with the time being the time I was making changes (around 74 minutes, whilst the sending off was 10 minutes earlier) changes. Ion was still on the pitch however and was also shown that way on the tactics screen (with a red sub arrow next to him, I forgot to take screenshots). When I tried to swap them around, the game counted that as another substitution (2/3), with the first Ion-Fontes sub being 1/3. In the end I used my remaining two subs to do Häuser-Torres again and another sub. At the end of the match it still showed a green arrow next to Fontes, now claiming he came on in 90+4.

    Wolfsburg v Schalke 04 Fontes no sub.pkm

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