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  1. Seems like this is a known issue. This post mentioned that "Created cities without clubs do not generate players"
  2. By default, B teams ineligible for promotion are excluded from promotion playoffs. If you want them to participate, try enabling "Can non-promoted teams play in top playoffs" in Promotion/Relegation settings (I haven't done this before).
  3. I must be missing something, the game is not generating newgens from any of the new (duplicate) cities I created, unless I specifically set a club to one of the new cities. Example: if I set Montreal to English-speaking and create a duplicate French-speaking Montreal, all newgens in Montreal-based clubs would only be from Montreal (English).
  4. For now, I think this is the best workaround. Does the distribution of newgens depends on the population of cities? Given two Montreals with the same coordinates and same population, would there be ~50% French and ~50% English speaking newgens? If that's the case, it would be possible to tweak the size of the cities to better approximate the real-life distribution.
  5. In previous versions of FM it is possible to create more than 26 groups, https://community.sigames.com/forums/topic/455271-fm19-worldwide-champions-league/?do=findComment&comment=11819309
  6. Yes, setting a language to a city does force all newgens born in that city to be native speakers of that language. It doesn't really help though in the case where speakers of the regional language B are interspersed throughout the region - no cities in the region have a predominant population of B speakers. Good point, but for the sake of this discussion let's just say the names are similar across the country and not language dependent.
  7. My country has a national language A and several regional languages B, C, D. Most people are native speakers of the national language, but some are native speakers of a regional language and have a limited command of the national language. In a specific region of the country, approximately 70% of the people are native speakers of A and 30% are native speakers of B. My goal is to recreate this language distribution so majority of newgens would speak A fluently and the remaining would speak B fluently (and maybe some A). I tried setting the nation's language to 100% A and region's language to 70% A and 30% B. That didn't work; everyone speaks A fluently, which means nobody speaks fluent B AND zero, basic or good A. I reduced nation's language to 50% A, no luck. Then removed A from region's language setting. Same result. Is there a way to make it work?
  8. It's best to do this in advanced rules where you can specify custom reserve and youth leagues.
  9. I'm trying to duplicate a list of ~10 awards across ~100 child divisions under a parent division. The awards should look like this, Child Division 1 Player of the Year Child Division 1 Manager of the Year ... Child Division 2 Player of the Year Child Division 2 Manager of the Year ... ... Child Division 100 Player of the Year Child Division 100 Manager of the Year ... (the divisions are not actually called "Child Division n", they are for illustration only) Changing all the names manually would take a good chunk of my life. Is there a faster way to do this?
  10. In general, the game does not account for alternate fate places when it's allocating fate to teams in an ongoing league, resulting in premature (example above) or delayed allocation (example below) of fate. Example of delayed fate allocation: "number of bottom playoff places" is set to 2 and "new bottom playoff places" set to 0 for case where more than 3 points separate 13th and 14th team. Then no matter what the ongoing point difference is, even when team in 14th is mathematically confirmed relegated with several matches to spare, it will only get the "Relegated" fate at the end of the last round, when the game evaluates alternate fate places.
  11. That did not actually fix the issue - the extra line is gone, but removing the 0 resulted in playoffs now taking place even when the difference between 13th and 14th is more than 3 points, as I have set "number of bottom playoff places" to 2. I have tried changing "number of bottom playoff places" to 0 and keeping the above setup (new bottom playoff places is blank). The playoffs work as intended and the extra line in league rules is removed, but there's a new issue - it's possible that the 14th place team would first be assigned a fate of "Relegated", which later changes to "playoff". Example in a 16-team league with 30 rounds: End of Round 28 team A in 13th place with 28 points team B in 14th place with 27 points Round 29 - A wins, B loses A in 13th place with 31 points B in 14th place with 27 points - mathematically impossible to catch up with team A with 1 round remaining, game assigns "Relegated" fate. However, relegation is not assured given our optional playoff setup, as playoff can still happen Round 30 - A loses, B wins A in 13th place with 31 points B in 14th place with 30 points The difference between 13th and 14th team is 1 point. Playoff takes place.
  12. I figured this out, the circled part should be left as blank instead of 0 to avoid that extra line.
  13. I thought my league with optional playoffs (alternate fate places) was working...almost. Here's the setup, The playoffs work as they should, but there's an annoying visual bug in league rules where there's an additional line (highlighted below) that just shouldn't be there. Relegation playoff does not take place if there are more than 3 points between 13th and 14th. How can I get rid of this line?
  14. Are you using Qualify Team For Competition (Using Positions) to assign divisions to each team in the Culling? This could be the reason why the correct division is not being registered. I have had some experience with this. I was trying to set up a reserve league system with four divisions and a cup competition for all reserve teams outside this system to qualify for division four each year. What made it work was setting this qualifying competition as a division below division four, instead of a cup competition, and creating a (hidden) league stage and a cup stage. Teams that reach a certain round in the cup stage have their league fate actions set to promoted in the league stage, so the game understands that these teams are being promoted and have their correct division set. So my suggestion is, look into league fate actions - set other league fate in the Culling. In your case, it does require you to set up a promotion/relegation relationship between T5 and T6, specifying number of promotion/relegation places = 0. However, I don't know how multiple promotions (T7 -> T5) or relegations (T5 - T7) can be set up that way, or if the game even tolerates that.
  15. That should be the way to go, but currently there's no option to sort by ranking level.
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