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Everything posted by wolbeas

  1. You will have regular scout meetings (I set them for once very fortnight or month during seasons), but I dont remember seeing Chief Scout giving you a report on other scouts' report. You can check the results of individual scout assignments from "Assignments" tab in Scouting section anyway.
  2. I personally, never use DoF. Only reason for that is, while they can find gems here and there. They do make a lot of negotiation mistakes like offering better playing time for a player that progresses every year, which forces me to deal with the end result or they go find 29 yo for 100Mil and that doesnt fit with how I manage teams. I'd never transfer anyone over 25 yo, but 80% of the time I only buy players between 16-19 and develop them myself. Will it be realistic? I dont think so. Will it provide a challenge for you? Absolutely! One thing I'd pay extra attention, if you are leaving transfers to DoF is that make sure his playing mentality is similar to yours. If he likes to park the bus, and you like to attack then (in my experience), they may focus on players suit their own style rather than the team's existing style.
  3. That happens pretty much every save at different stages. The AI teams start to figure out your tactic and plays with a specific counter tactic for you. You can see that once the trends settles in, most of teams will be playing with similar formations and that works against you. I always have a back up tactics that approach the game differently than my original tactic to shake things up and that works most of the time. Sometimes, losing a game can cause snowball effect on players morale and we all know that morale is one of the most influential factors for players to perform on the pitch. Example: Currently I use a tactic with no AMLR but WBs, 1st season everything was perfect but from the end of the season (still won games but was harder with less margin), Things started to go down hill, and when I checked most of the teams switch their formation into AMRL and FBRL combinations overwhelm sides of the pitch and it worked against me. So from that point, when I see that tactic or similar to abuse my wings, I switched to the cliche 4-3-3 with DM to counter back. It works like a charm.
  4. Hey all, I have mentioned this last year as well, and trying my luck this year. It would be extremely beneficial if we could have tabs (not infinite, but let's say up to 5 tabs) open in the home page (a page that we can customize to show what overall information we want it to show from any stats). FM is a game where we do a lot of reading, analysizing and more importantly comparing staff, stats, abilities etc. clicking 6 times to get the info I need to just to go back where I was to click on something is just time consuming
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