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154 "Just keep swimming"



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    Spanish Head Researcher

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  1. Hi. Ferrol's Stadium it's correctly set to A Malata in DB. This is probably something that has happened in game after A Malata starts a rebuilding, or whatever similar.
  2. Thanks for reporting this. Will fixed in future updates,
  3. His renewal was officially announced only a week ago. It will be included in next updates. Thanks.
  4. Hi, this summer both Badalona teams split and they're no longer affiliates.
  5. David Otobi has not the legal age neded to be included in game. Thanks for the report on Chema Sanz, will fix It for next patch.
  6. Hi, this is not a bug. Its exactly how things work in real Life. Thanks.
  7. This is not a data issue, It should be reported as a UI bug. Thanks.
  8. Thanks, this will be reviewed in future data updates.
  9. Thanks. It's noted and will be fixed in future updates.
  10. Thanks. Noted and It will be fixed in future updates.
  11. For legal reasons, players born after 30/08/2007 can't be added.
  12. @Sebastian Szlenkier....As the link @ajoobah posted says, this are the real limitsand should be kept... It happens that IRL this are flexible limits, and clubs are allowed to transition to new stadiums / upgrades while they play at first division...but the limit rule it's official.
  13. Thanks for the report, this is currently under review.
  14. Thanks for the report, this is currently under review.
  15. The player has already been deleted, no need to upload a savegame Will be fixed for final release.
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