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Posts posted by Fat_Frank8

  1. How do these new condition/fitness colors work? I have a player with match/training load: light, fatigue: fresh and injury susceptibility: very low, yet he has an increased overall risk of injury and his overall condition is only considered "Good". Then I have another player with match/training load: light, fatigue: fresh but with injury susceptibility: high and he has low overall risk of being injured with the overall condition "Peak". Bug? They both have "maintaining sharpness" on match fitness.


  2. On 06/11/2019 at 22:22, Fat_Frank8 said:

    I haven't read through the entire thread but surely there are way, way, WAY too many scoring chances/shots? I'm 7 games into Serie A and a selection of results i have seen is:


    Continuing on this, playing as Parma at Olimpico against a Lazio side with Inzaghi as the manager, first season. For starters they are playing 4-3-3 with three central strikers, which no team does ever. Particularly not Lazio under Inzaghi. Didn't Miles say something like "we're simulating the real world" on Twitter? 20 minutes in they have had 16 shots of which 10 are on target. Would like to see stats from a Serie A game where one of the teams have had 10 shots on target 20 minutes in. Absolutely ridicilous shots tallies/chances created this year.

  3. I haven't read through the entire thread but surely there are way, way, WAY too many scoring chances/shots? I'm 7 games into Serie A and a selection of results i have seen is:

    Milan-Verona 4-0 (shots 33-0)

    Roma-Sampdoria 1-0 (shots 40-6 (!!!!!))

    Inter-Brescia 6-1 (shots 37-2)

    Lecce-Milan 0-7 (shots 5-37)

    Inter-Verona 6-0 (shots 39-2)

    Atalanta-Lecce 2-0 (shots 33-2)

    Lecce-Napoli 0-2 (shots 2-34)

    Aside from the fact that the bottom teams are getting absolutely demolished by virtually everyone, those shots stats are way off. Around half of those 30-40 shots are on target. As a comparison from a IRL match between top vs bottom Inter beat Brescia 2-1 a week ago, with a total of 8 shots on target between them.

    Also noticed the top teams, Inter in particular where i would expect Conte to rather play a striker as a central defender than change formation, are abandoning their "main formation" in most home games right from the start, playing some kind of ultra attacking 4-3-3 with three central strikers. 

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