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Posts posted by tran

    1. Invest in fixing the online experience. People will always find ways to beat the AI. And when they do, they will be bored. They'll never get bored of trying to beat 25-29 other competent human GMs.
    2. Fix signings. Euro UFA signings shouldn't flood the North American market in the middle of the playoffs.
    3. Fix the backup goaltending issues. If you're simming, you should be able to set how much your backup plays. If you're simming and your starter gets hurt, your AGM should not place your AHLer in net over your backup..

    Ways to fix online gaming

    1. Make it easier and less time consuming to launch the game. You shouldn't need to sign in all 30 gms to launch the game.
    2. Make the game stable with 10 or more players in the game at once. Right now, even 5-6 guys makes the game act up and sometimes crash.
    3. Allow guest players to download reports/tactics etc to their computer, not the host computer.
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