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Everything posted by timcliffsmith

  1. Just wanted to say that I love this tactic. Been playing with 3 at the back for a while, mostly because I think 4123 or 4231 are overpowered. Was playing for sometime with my own mid-block tactic, but it just suddenly stopped working after multiple playthroughs, and I couldn't work out why. Yours is not too dissimilar, so I gave it a go and it is working beautifully. It has a lovely balance to it, and does not seem OP. I like to play the game by trying to put players in their preferred positions and roles. I think it makes the game more interesting when signing players and adds a little variety to the play as players come and go. For example, my last game was like this. SK (D) WCB (D) BPD (C) WCB (D) CWB (A) Vol (S) CWB (S) BWM (D) IF (S) SS (A) PF (A) I do switch players and roles, but I'm sticking to having a defensive role to cover the attacking wingback. I've also played with a winger cutting in on the left instead of the SS, but I don't think it's as effective. In fact, I think the SS is the key to this. You notice the increase in XG when the SS plays. I have also played an AP and AM on attack there, and they both work ok, but the SS is best, I think. Anyway, just wanted to say thanks for this. Really enjoying it,.
  2. It's not just penalties conceded, it's also penalties given for you. Happy for you with your set piece coach. I too tried a set piece coach after failing miserably with anything else. Guess what? Scored nothing with him also.
  3. I've not noticed the issue with throw-ins, but since the update, scoring corners has simply vanished. I have no problems defending corners, but I simply cannot score at all. I will try this set-up and hope for something. Anything would be nice. A single goal! Also, the number of penalties is ridiculous. SI needs to cut that figure at least in half, probably by a third.
  4. Yep, I must admit that I didn't notice it until recently. But the past week or so, the number of penalties is preposterous. It's reached the point where I'm surprised/relieved if there isn't a penalty in a game. I thought it must have been something to do with the latest update, but apparently that has not touched the ME. I'll keep playing (obviously) and hope it is just a weird phase in the game. As I said, I'd not really noticed it before. I'm only in season 26/27, but not noticed it in previous saves. However, at the moment, it is crazy, which is why I'm on here talking about. It is so bad that it feels like the game is broken and puts me off playing it. I hope it is just a blip or gets sorted because, apart from that, this year's ME is a joy to watch.
  5. One of my greatest enjoyments is strangling the opposition. So happy when we keep their XG down to less than 0.2! I'll keep you updated, but just wanted to say thanks for the input.
  6. Hi, thought I'd keep you up to date. I started using your tactic as posted and it was working, but sometimes it felt a bit passive, so I combined yours with my previous tactic. I have to say that your tactic was doing okay, but because I had developed my previous one, I didn't want to abandon it completely. In my original tactic, the front three were all on attacking, and the back three were all on defend, as was the def mid. What I did was keep my team and individual instructions but switch to the duties like in yours. And well, it's going great! Here is my hybrid tactic. As you can see, I have many more team instructions. And all the players are told to tackle harder (except the centre backs). The wingbacks sit narrower and run wider. The wingers sit narrower. Everybody takes fewer shots except for the front three. The other aspect of the way I play the game is that I like to play players in their best positions, so that is why Elber is an FB not a wingback, as he has 3.5* like that rather than 3*. This approach still adheres to the same basic philosophy. As you can see, I'm also playing Jones as a DLF because he is half a star better than as an F9, and so on. I do have a guy who can play as a RWB CWB, and he slots in no problem. So, I like the flexibility within a basic system. I have also played three in midfield and two up top, but overall I prefer this system. Here are the results. I started using your tactic and then my hybrid from the Wolves game. Look at the defence! Tremendous. This is how I like the game, not with crazy numbers of goals. Please bear in mind that I finished second in the laegue last season, so I already had a good team, but adding in your duties has definitely improved the defence and the control of my team during the game. Really like the feel of it. So, thanks very much! 352TimKnapAdonComposite23.fmf
  7. Thanks. I'll give it a go for a while and report back to you.
  8. Gonna give this a go. I've been playing a 343 and it's been going well but fallen apart a bit after 4-5 seasons. I like the look of this and the big emphasis on support is interesting. Quick question, have you tried the same basic shape and formation and instructions but with slightly different positions? For example, an AM instead of an IW, or a DLF instead of an F9?
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