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Issue Comments posted by timcliffsmith

  1. Yep, I must admit that I didn't notice it until recently. But the past week or so, the number of penalties is preposterous. It's reached the point where I'm surprised/relieved if there isn't a penalty in a game. I thought it must have been something to do with the latest update, but apparently that has not touched the ME.

    I'll keep playing (obviously) and hope it is just a weird phase in the game. As I said, I'd not really noticed it before. I'm only in season 26/27, but not noticed it in previous saves. However, at the moment, it is crazy, which is why I'm on here talking about. It is so bad that it feels like the game is broken and puts me off playing it.

    I hope it is just a blip or gets sorted because, apart from that, this year's ME is a joy to watch. 

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