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The Smudge

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Posts posted by The Smudge

  1. In my opinion the game is just reflecting what it is in reality.

    Comparing it to the values of players in the EPL especially is not a good idea.

    When you think of some of the players in recent years that have left the Scottish league for peanuts in the grand scheme of things when it was obvious their value would be much higher had they played in a different league such as the EPL.

    Take players like McGinn and Robertson etc Both left clubs under £5 million. Even at the higher end looking at Tierney, if he was in EPL moving across clubs his transfer fee would have been a lot more. Take Chilwell, same position, similar age and £20,000,000 more.

    Then you look at some of the signings EPL teams have made for players that are pretty unproven or at least not playing on a consistent basis going for high values. Take Solanke, Ibe and more recently Brewster.  £23.5 mill for a player that had played 1 season in championship. 

    Its just what it is really, they are different markets. 

  2. Playing beta patch and am Stenhousemuir in League 2 (Fourth Division). 

    Feel long shots might be a bit accurate for this level :S

    Even ones that are missed are either saved, hit woodwork or very narrowly over.

    Some goals for and against from my last 6-7 matches. 


    Having now played a decent amount of hours for myself,  I would agree with some of the others within this thread that the match engine really has been the let down of this version and probably the last few versions as well for me. I can only hope that maybe something can be improved this version and definitely for the next version.

    I feel outside that, most changes in recent versions of the game have been positive with the exception of the brexit feature. Dynamics, though buggy at first and the training overhaul have been positive. I also do like the UI changes though thank god I don't need to use the purple theme :) 


  3. I have come across a weird issue. My rb got sent off in the 78th minute and I still had two subs remaining. I moved by cb to rb and subbed a mid for a replacement defender as soon as the red occurred.

    Anyway I lost a goal in the 83rd min and who do I see at fault the cm who I subbed off who is now at the cb position. I advanced further to the 89th min and he is still there. Its like it can't register the substitution for some reason. when i look at the tactics screen and highlight subbed icon it says subbed on 90th minute yet I haven't reached the 90th minute yet :D. Also he hasn't moved into the main team like another sub I have just made now.

    The sub I made after Brown for Fyvie has registered but Ballantyne is still on :D


    Ended up losing 3-1 with two goals from his area :)


    Raith v Stenhousemuir.pkm

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