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11 "You're a bum, Rock"

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    Charlton Athletic

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    Welling United, Ibiza and Gretna 2008

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  1. Hi Marc, thanks for the in-app purchases info. Will sugar daddy and become unsackable be available from the get-go, too? Also, will it still be four save slots, with up to five playable nations in each, or will that be changing? Thank you!
  2. Thanks for getting back to me and letting me know. I’m still seeing posting mobile updates for the 23 game on Twitter, guessing that means they haven’t done the latest updates maybe? do you support updates to any other social media platforms? Twitter is becoming increasingly unpopular anyway. Thanks.
  3. Hello, haven’t been on here for a long time, so apologies if I’m asking this in the wrong place, but would anyone know why I suddenly can’t post Football Manager 23 Mobile updates to Twitter? all that’s changed recently is I’m using game editor for the first time, but I’ve also used it on older mobile versions for the first time recently and I can still post updates to Twitter from there. the option has just completely disappeared. I’ve attached some screenshots. any thoughts or advice would be much appreciated! thank you 🙂
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