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Posts posted by ShelbyZ

  1. so the Jets? ;)

    On that note, something to think about, although I don't necessarily see it happen in the game or IRL much for that matter is that a GM would/could make a bunch of shortsighted trades to get immediate results to keep their job if they felt it was on the line. It happens occasionally enough that fans fear it. Like a panic attribute.

    Haha. I meant it more as a Red Wings fan. When things don't go right for the Wings, fans here ROAST Holland for his "we like our team" speeches after the deadline, or lackluster signings in the summer.

  2. Here is what I just posted on the EHM forum:

    I just picked up EA on Steam and have gotten through a good bit of my first season and have done a lot of reading on here as well. I'd like to add my wishlist as well. Once again, I haven't gotten that far yet, so disregard anything that may be different for EA from EHM07 that I haven't encountered yet.

    -2013 NHL CBA waiver rules.

    -I've noticed in my first season that AI teams have been freely putting players with 7-digit cap hits on waivers, so I'm assuming the "Wade Redden/Scott Gomez rule" (player buried in AHL has salary-(league minimum+$300k) still count against cap) isn't in the game.

    -In my first season no one seems to get claimed, so I can't verify this, but there is also the new rule where a player that is claimed from waivers can't be waived by his new team for 30 days.

    -Also, incorporate the "unconditional waivers", which are what really allows you to release a player.

    -Take "Re-Entry Waivers" out. Stupid rule that the NHL got rid of with the last lockout.

    -Lastly, incorporate the rule where a player that gets signed by an NHL club after spending part of the year in a European league has to be waived before stepping back into the NHL in the same season.

    -Get rid of random offseason retirement of players still under contract.

    This is unrealistic as teams would get penalized if a player that signs a contract after 35 retires before their contract is up. I got annoyed in EHM07 when a 35-40yo player under contract would retire mid-offseason and there would be no one left in the UFA market to fill their spot. The only NHL players retiring should be players on under-35 contracts retiring from injury, impending UFA's or actual UFA's.

    -Make buyouts/offer sheets factor in

    In all my years of EHM07, I never once saw a buyout happen, or AI send an offer sheet. Instead, AI teams bury "Star" players in the AHL, and unsigned RFA's end up in European leagues. I also noticed AI teams regularly waiving and then releasing ELC players, which in real life would drive the NHLPA into a frenzy.

    -Incorporate Free Agent "Groups" correctly

    In EHM07, players had to reach a certain number of NHL games to become a UFA, otherwise they would be an RFA forever. I could even sign a 28YO player from the SEL and have them be an RFA for a few years. All players should hit UFA status at 27, or 25 if they have played enough games. They can also hit it at 25 if they fit into Group V status.

    -Put more emphasis on training camp "try outs"

    I always shut off "Open Camp", because it just gives you no-name UFA's that have all bad attributes. Instead, unsigned UFA's could approach teams looking for a try out, and/or user/AI can put out a "feeler" looking for a certain position to come try out and have NHL level UFA's approach.

    -Also, have it announce that well known players are trying out for certain teams and send out news about their progress. You could also even have recently retired players attempt "come-backs" (IE Theo Fleury/Claude AND Mario Lemieux/Hasek etc.)

    -You should also be able to sign junior level "try outs" that are in camp if they perform well and not have to wait till next year to get them on the team.

    -Give impending free agents value

    I always tried to trade impending RFA's at the draft using "Offer to All", but it would come back with no interest. You can't tell me that if in real life Holland offered a soon to be RFA Nyquist at the draft that no GM would be interested.

    -"Staff" should have an attribute for "willingness" to make deals/favor certain players

    What I mean is that GM's should have some sort of rating that controls how frequently they may shake things up as an AI. For example, on an attribute scale from 1-20 (1 being never makes trades/signings, and 20 being the Flyers), Ken Holland would be a 3, while Sather/Holmgren/Shero would be an 18... You can also set coaches/GM's to have tendency to favor young players or veterans. You could also have an attribute that illustrates whether they like to use an enforcer or not/etc.

    -Incorporate ELC "slide" rules

    I'm sure I'll have more as I continue to binge on EA....

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