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11 "You're a bum, Rock"

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  1. Thank you £168M was a bit steep lol
  2. Hi Just signed Levi Colwill on loan and I didn't notice in the contact negotiations there's a £168 mill optional fee (Don't want to pay that and haven''t got the funds) I haven't played FM in a few years (BTW it's the best version ever!) so Am I right in thinking I can pull out at the end of the loan as it's not mandatory? and if so what will happen? As mentioned not played in a while and it's advanced so much more than I anticipated, Any advice appreciated before I hit the "accept" button Cheers )
  3. Confused by the sub players becoming unhappy due to lack of playing time when I didn't promise anything... Playing squad of only 23... 5 injuries - 2 long term First 11 I can't drop as all over 7.14 3 Subs all asking for loan moves which I have to agree too or they kick off if I refuse, but I need them as I can't fill a full match squad, Surely they should recognise..1, Small squad(more chance of playing time) 2, I need a full bench, 3 Even when I select (Prove yourself) they get offended? Baffled by this one
  4. Yes , I have no idea how to save it to the cloud to be able to transfer my current saved game to my new PC
  5. Might be obvious as trying to transfer a saved game to my new PC, Any advice gratefully appreciated Thanks
  6. Hi, Is this possible?? Not played in a while and realise I need a PC upgrade Any advice sincerely apppreciated Thanking you
  7. I tried to launch the game tonight and got this message....(Failure No licenses) unistalled FM24 Demo as advised and the Demo is not available on Steam account anymore? I wanted to post this on the help section but had no option to start a new topic, It was greyed out so if any Mod can move this to the appropiate section please feel free, Any help gratefully appreciated Cheers.
  8. I'm having problems too, When I try to launch the game a message comes up " Failure No Licenses "
  9. No, mine launched fine but I had to restart my computer and Steam too, Did you get it sorted?
  10. Will there be a Demo this year? and if so when is it likely to be released? Thanx
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