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Posts posted by Rummy

  1. 1 hour ago, Experienced Defender said:

    But apart from that, why have you opted for a narrow formation if you play the fullbacks - and both of them at that - in a pretty much conservative role (FB on support)? I mean, when you play in a narrow system, you want the FBs/WBs to provide attacking width in the first place. 

    Thanks :)

    Yes actually I normally play them as WBs but the screenshot I put here is from the final minutes of the match against Bayern, when I decided to change them to FBs.

  2. Hello :) (This is FM18)


    So I keep facing a problem whenever i'm playing narrow formations.

    Pretty often a situation like this occurs:



    My 4 midfield players all run for the same opposition player, instead of leaving a gap on the left side.

    I understand that maybe lowering the mentality will help, but I still want to press.. And i'm not so keen on using 'stick to positions' because i still want freedom of movement.

    How can I prevent this from happening so often?

  3. Questions about width. 

    As far as I know, the "Play Wider" and "Play Narrower" TI's affect only The attacking phase, is that correct? 

    And does "Play Wider" tell the players to focus their passing on the flanks, and "Play Narrower" tell them to focus passing in the middle? Because in the game loading screen I remember that it says something like "Play Narrower tells your team to play in central areas of the pitch" something like that. 

  4. What exactly does the PI "Get Further Forward" shout affect? 

    Does it simply increase mentality? 

    If so, does it affect both attacking and defensive positioning? 

    I'm asking this because I instructed my DM to get further forward and it seems to make him more aggressive in defense also. He seems to stand in a more advanced position in defense and close down more than before. Or maybe I'm just mistaken? 

  5. 58 minutes ago, ExeChris said:

    OK, it's FM16 and I decided to start in the Premiership as opposed to the usual LLM saves that I do.  It's the second season, I'm Everton, and they are a decent side without ever threatening to challenge for top 6 as we lose EVERY game against Arsenal, Man C, Spurs, Chelsea and Man Utd.

    I do tinker a bit with my side but have just about settled on the following.  Trouble is, I'm decent for 4-5 games then go hopeless for the same period.  I don't expect to win every game but to my untrained eye I play against a similar side, with a similar system and get totally different results.  Can anyone please advise if I'm doing anything particularly stupid?



    WB(a)   BPD(d)   CD(c)   WB(a)

         BWM(d)   RPM(s)  BBM(s)


                       TM(s)   P(a)


    I play Structured and Counter.  Lower tempo, more closing down, pass out of defence, more roaming, exploit the flanks and work ball into the box.



    There are several problems I spotted in your tactic:

    - You play Counter mentality, meaning your team will drop deep, and close down less. However, you added a TI "Close Down More". Dropping deep + closing down more don't blend together well and might cause some problems in defense.


    - Counter mentality + low tempo + play out of defense + work ball into box = VERY patient build up play. However you're playing with a target man and a poacher. When you use a target man, your team will be more willing to play direct passes towards him, and your poacher won't help in the slow build up at all. This contradicts your patient build up play and creates a problem. Try changing the target man to dlf, cf, or df.. 

    - You are playing without a holding midfielder. This creates a gap between midfield and defense. Try changing one of your center mids to cm(d) or dlp(s/d). 

    Good luck! 

  6. 2 hours ago, messinho said:

    It's me again :)A few days ago I asked you for help with tactics. I'm working on it, but the main problems are with lone-striker. He scores little goals and I feel that it is out of the game (too deep). I have a few ideas to change the situation, but I do not know if they are good

    1. Set team shape - change from flexible to fluid

    2. Change role of lone-striker - DLF ( from support to attack)

    3. Change lone-striker to advanced forward and AMR to winger instead IF. 






    All the stuff you wrote might work, I think the best way to check this is by actually making those changes each one at a time and seeing their effects (view the match on full highlights mode) . 

    You can also try changing the role of the Attacking Advanced Playmaker to an Attacking Cm, maybe this will help closing the gap between the midfield and attack and giving your striker more passing options. 

    Or maybe change the striker's role to Complete Forward on Support


  7. 14 hours ago, Sussex Hammer said:

    Just wondering if anyone knows what attributes are beneficial for players scoring headers in the penalty area?  Reason I ask is that I have got Simone Zaza banging in the headers beautifully and see him getting across defenders really well in the area.  Same thing with Enner Valencia, which is a little strange because he is quite short.  However although he has scored one I can't get Andy Carroll firing on the headers front at all, which isn't a surprise in FM, but obviously tactically the chances are there because Zaza is doing it regularly!

    Wondering if agility and acceleration are better stats for getting free in the area and maybe Carroll's low anticipation doesn't help?  Carroll clearly wins on the heading, jumping and strength attributes and yet as I say Zaza is scoring more headers?


    carroll v zaza.jpg

    I'm not a big football manager guru, but from what I see, it makes perfect sense that Zaza will score more headers. 

    It is true that Carroll beats Zara in heading, jumping, and height, but Zaza beats him in nearly everything else:

    He's got MUCH better speed, anticipation and off the ball movement, therefore he's much better at losing his defenders and getting into dangerous positions. Edit: I think that his higher flair also helps for unpredictable movement but I'm not sure.

    Once he's got into these dangerous positions, he's got better finishing, technique (not sure if that one affects headers), composure and concentration, therefore he is more likely to convert those scoring chances to goals. So when the winger crosses that ball into the box, Carroll will have a harder time losing his defenders and getting into dangerous positions, and will score less headers even though he has better heading, jumping and height. 

  8. I have always wondered - what does the technique attribute really mean?

    I mean, in real life when I say that a player has a good technique I refer to the accuracy of his paasing/crossing abs his ball control, but in fm the technique attribute is seperated from those attributes. Passing describes passing ability, crossing describes crossing ability, dribbling describes ball control and dribbling ability, so what does technique describe?

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