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36 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

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    Denver, Colorado USA

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  1. I think what he's trying to ask is if the opposition's formation does not include the specific position that's targeted by the instruction, how does the match engine react? For example, if my winger is set to mark the DR position, but the opposition is playing a 3-5-2 with WBR (not DR). Does the match engine ignore the instruction completely or does it react in another way?
  2. “Primary” and “secondary” (green vs. blue) would a nifty tooltip to add in future versions.
  3. Apologies for resurrecting an older thread, but this has been a great read and I've found a lot to start using. My current save is with a relegation-fighter and I've been mercilessly battered by gegenpressing teams - and not felt like I had much direction on even how to try to approach these matches. Thank you @bababooey for giving me some direction on a thoughtful approach and others for contributing to the discussion. In my limited experience with this particular element, the distribute to central defenders or fullbacks isn't the problem as much as the "play out of defense" instruction. I've had no trouble giving the balls to these defenders to start to draw the opponent toward me, a little bit, but once the ball is with those defenders, they should be playing up field before the pressure becomes too much and I'm overwhelmed deep in my own area.
  4. Anecdotally, I find that short passing can restrict those crosses a little, try nudging that setting up a notch or two for those players you're looking to for crosses.
  5. Of course, play the game how you enjoy it. I enjoy a good journeyman save myself. However, applying for jobs that aren't real possibilities is probably more detrimental than hopeful for that very reason. In my experience, give it at least a year if not two at a job to establish yourself and grow your reputation.
  6. I've been struggling with similar formations and tactics. Given the Balanced mentality and the bulk of players naturally deeper, Low Block may be too deep? I've suffered defensively every time I've tried Low Block. (I'll be watching this thread for more help!)
  7. Agreed with the GFF instruction. Also, consider his contribution in other ways, besides goals & assists.
  8. Think of the squad planner as the manager's private notebook, a simple management tool, in which he or she plans the depth chart for each position this season and in coming seasons. The player's agreed playing time is what you seem to be referring to. This playing time promise is agreed upon when you sign a player's contract, but can also be changed in the player's profile. Agreed playing times include "impact sub", "fringe player", "squad player", "regular starter", et cetera. This is what the player (and their agent and your staff) understands the player's promised place in the team to be.
  9. Just to confirm, when you’ve turned off HEC and CMO, have you also done anything to limit passing directness? I find that none of these TI/PI work as well if I’m using short(er) passing for the team or players. Dial passing directness up a notch might help?
  10. If it's helpful, I've tried this with all 3 game modes and none yielded fake players. I have not added or removed any DB files. (Version 24.1.1)
  11. I’ve had this experience in FM24, too, and it’s been reported in the Bugs forum.
  12. Also have the same issue. Tried several times with care, but same result.
  13. I often do fake names and have never noticed anything like what Dave was asking. I’d assume the software looks at the all the dozens of bits of standard data of a player, but doesn’t have any type of “supplemental” information tied to a real person by a given name. SI could confirm. Even with fake player names, or newgens for that matter, the AI in previous versions tended to overvalue older players… perhaps it overvalued player reputation? Some of the AI roster building changes touted for FM24 might help that.
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