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135 "Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer"


  • Biography
    I have been playing Football Manger since 2010.

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  • Favourite Team
    Arsenal F.C.

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  • Currently Managing
    Dreams Football Club

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  1. The fact that the game doesn't track gk assists, in their career stats page. I know there are ways to track it during each individual season, but by the start of the next season the data disappears.
  2. When your club job is under threat, I find that your club generally summon you for a meeting to discuss your future. This at least gives you a chance to explain yourself, as to why your team is struggling before they decide to sack you or not. These personal reasons, you can give, vary from the usual too many injuries in a short space of time and a hard run of fixtures in a row, amongst others. Sometimes you can just ask what you need to do inorder to save your job or just beg for more time. I was just wondering that it would be nice for your national team FA to summon you for a meeting to discuss your future, rather than just sacking you outright like they do at club level. This would give you an extra chance to save your national team job, outside of results and then not try and get your job back when the next manager leaves.
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