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Posts posted by charli87

  1. Hi all,

    Quick question, I wanted to add a stadium for Chippenham Town for outside view. There is a picture for inside but I can't seem to find the code (e.g. Arsenal code for inside and outside is 5114336, which i found by manually searching for the photos). If I can find the code for Chippenham I can add a photo manually, can anyone help with this?


  2. OK so no prizes for what I'm trying to achieve here. I am on the quest for a soft brexit :D

    I wonder if any of you heroes know what the options listed relate to - when I have tested them until Jan 2 2021 (when UK leaves EU) - Original, Alt 1 and Alt 2 end up with UK having literally no Wk Pmt Regulations which is not my objective, I suppose I was on the hunt for less restrictive wk permit regs and thought those options may represent that. I'm wondering if I am not making the changes correctly to have the changes show up in the game hence the zero regs or whether these are options that are just blank in terms of content.

    Is there any way for me to access the individual rules to edit or is this not something you can do in the editor?

    Sorry complete newbie in editing, hopefully you can see what im trying to achieve. Any help gratefully received.


  3. Will there be an update soon to default database regarding agreement change (post brexit rules) for UK countries?

    The current work permit rules are incorrect and don't reflect new published rule changes IRL? 


    New rules actually make it easier for English clubs to sign South American youth for example... whereas the rules in default database are extremely pessimistic and essentially ban foreign transfer activity beyond established internationals. This isn't realistic but I understand why developers chose to reflect a hard brexit without knowing the full extent of what the final picture would look like. 

    Given its such a game breaker, does anyone know whether SI are considering a quick update to reflect the softer picture that is emerging IRL? 


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