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Posts posted by Ricardo_Vieira

  1. I feel like if I am a soccer player and my coach sent me to reserve team and I have some good matches this will make me confident, but if the reserve team lost that matches I will not be happy, it's everything together and I will grow up better and faster, and yes more likely to youngsters than older players.

    Thanks in advance for understand that.. :)

  2. Another issue is in this print if I press the first match to see details, it appears that I lost against Everton and then in the another print with details it's not the true details because Rodrygo play for my team and he scored 2 goals, it's like changed to opposite team


    That's why I'm very sad and disappointed..

    I'm saying again, i dont mind to pay 20 or even 30 EUR for a movie game.. but for a good one.. and until somedays ago I don't feel the same 

    Screenshot_20200310-134013_FM20 Mobile.jpg

    Screenshot_20200310-134055_FM20 Mobile.jpg

  3. 2 hours ago, Louie Silvani said:

    I'm sorry to hear this Ricardo. 

    - The auto accept issue is one we are aware of and had a save sent to us recently so we are actively investigating this. 

    - Regarding the reserves team issue I noticed you had a discussion with Marc regarding this. 

    - Player ratings is another that is with our dev team. 

    - Please flag up any text errors you may notice (even if just a screenshot would be great).

    We really appreciate your feedback!

    Im just very sad.. 

    The error is here, where is female#1

    Screenshot_20200310-133345_FM20 Mobile.jpg

  4. Hello SI

    I'm very sad with this game..

    I don't mind to pay even 20 EUR for this game, but put it like this.. 

    Doesn't have big differences in the last few years, ok I understand that some devices cannot support, but the same happens for computer and the game still growing up better than mobile version.

    Still too much issues. I cannot start a career and start again because comes out another update and don't solve nothing..


    Sorry for my english, but I'm very sad with this. I pay for this game from the last 4 or 5 years 

  5. Hello Mr Louie, I feel I'm losting the passion on this game, it's too much issues on that, don't understand why..

    - the game still auto accept some transfers even If I have the last option on accept or not

    - the reserve teams I put all the players into 20 stats and they still lost the games, constantly, seems doesn't have any effect on them

    - the player ratings on games, doesnt seen real I have some with good games (checked on game stats) and they end the game with a 5 (??)

    - still some text errors as well

    :( I'm very sad

  6. On 26/11/2019 at 15:04, Marc Vaughan said:

    At present you can't directly manage the reserve team, but hopefully the results and such will help with you determining which players are good prospects for the first team.

    Hello mr Marc, i have some doubts on that because i put my reserve team on 20 stats, all players and they still lose games, seems like doesn't have any effect on that.. the team should win the game for like 5 or 6 or higher and don't happen

  7. Hi mr Louie,

    I found also another issue on the new save and this one is with the new winter update, After i sign Ronaldo, i put him as my coach but then i fire him and then i lost another options on him as you can see in this print screen, I'm managing Portugal team as well and I cannot have more options after I choose him as a coach, it makes some sense but I think we should still have this options.


    I have another issue as well with signing players


    Thank you

    Screenshot_20200309-093827_FM20 Mobile.jpg

  8. About the changes in a game match, even if I could just the position of the team, like stay back and narrow or all the team move forward to attack and high press, don't need to substitute a players, that like you said can only happens in a break time. Other thing is about I should who's gonna hit the free kicks or corners.


    About that issue you said about signing Fabio Silva, I have no issues signing players. I said about the GK coach being the manager of the month for 3 or 4 times. :)


  9. 1 hour ago, Louie Silvani said:

    Hi Ricardo, thanks for sharing your thoughts.

    - Regarding the GK coach getting manager of the month, if you find an example of this and have a save before it occurs this would be great if you could send it to us. (Details here: 

    - The attendance figures can be found in the match report after a match. 

    - I would assume it is instantaneous to view an opposition tactics because you can not make subs for them, whereas you need to wait for a break in play to make your tactical changes/subs (as is the case in real life)? 



    Hello mr Louie, 


    Thanks in advance to answer my issues list.

    First: yes its correct about the attendance number, was my mistake not seeing that at the game report. 

    Second: about the management in the game, yes it's correct that I have to wait for a break time game to make subs, but if I want to pull the team back or move forward I don't need that, the coach can tell all the team to move up, i.e. am I right?


    I send already the game save renamed to Ricardo_Vieira.dat

    Thank you again

  10. Hello there,

    This issues happens to me, i don't know if it happens with someone else.

    * players don't evolve much

    * failed text translation where some phrases appear in English

    * my goalkeeper coach has been chosen as coach of the month several times. LoL

    * at the end of the game when it is already in the last minute, the game ends with a corner or a free kick in front of the goal.  it doesn't happen in a real game

    * if in the example above the game ends in these examples why does a game have, for example, 4 minutes of extra time and the game ends in 5 or 6 minutes?  I don't think the referee has the sensitivity to extend the extra time

    * loaned players receive warning of bad behavior, but I cannot talk to them because they are loaned, even in the good game situation I cannot do the same. what should I do in these cases? finish the loan? Or end with this warnings from the game.
    I think we could interact with them.

    * I can't find out the reason for the players who were sent off so I can know if I appeal the decision or if I talk to the player.  in my opinion I should be able to do both, because I may want to appeal because I need this player for the next game but I may also want to give a warning to him. 
    * I'm in a club with the best facilities and with coaches who took the exam to get a gold badge, but the players still lose stars (I see it from edit panel) and complain about not being able to evolve if they don't have access to the best coaches.  what to do here?
    I also can't know the attendance number
    * during the match when I need to make a quick change to my team it takes forever to get into the management of my team, but if I want to see something on the opposing team it's instantaneous.  why?

    * during the match if I want to change who is going to hit the corners, free kicks or penalties I cannot do it.  why?

    * I also can't know the attendance number in a match

    * I should also be able to give a word to the players at halftime or before the player enters, to give him strength and motivate him

    * I should also be able to speak to more than one player at the same time before and at the end of the game instead of one by one, like a collective motivation or collective reprimand

    * Edit Mode:

    I don't use this much but last days I'm using and the heal team is not healing all the players.


    I think I have some more issues but I don't remember know but I will add in the future, and I think this kind of wishlist it's not a big deal to incorporate into the game, don't be afraid of a little bit more heavy data game, another games of the same genre are heavier than this..

    I don't want to lose the passion of this game, but like this is hard. Of course the game is getting better but not a big difference along the years.

    Think about this please


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