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311 "Greed, for lack of a better word, is good"

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  1. FMT21 (before any updates) playing as Spurs first game of PL season. We won 12-0 and Son scored 10 goals. Haha. Good times.
  2. Cheers Zak. Are there different inputs on body language on the different formats then? I’ve answered 2nd point above. Really don’t think Messi would come nervous playing Forest but I have to remember this isn’t real life and the game will have its own outcomes
  3. Cheers Dan. Clearly IRL Messi is unlikely to be nervous about an away match at the City Ground but this is a game and has its own rules and parameters.
  4. To any moderator why was this moved? It’s surely a cross format question. Player body language is a universal concept in FM
  5. According to the body language Lionel Messi is nervous about an away game against Nottingham Forest in January… I bought him to add experience and nous (and brilliance ofc). Didn’t expect him to get the wobbles about a trip to the midlands with v little riding on it. Is body language randomised?
  6. Like you say, speculative stuff but interesting nonetheless. I don’t think FM would fall for the tackiness of 3D modelling players in an office etc. there is nothing in their history which suggests they have any interest in that route. id love for the match to look more shiny and realistic though. There is a lot of snobbery here about FIFA (and I’d choose FM over FIFA every time). But FIFA has evolved tactically, and as a representation of football, whilst FM has stagnated for years. I don’t want fifa but I do want to build a team that plays beautiful football that I can watch. A game about football should have the match at its heart and I’m glad changes are imminent. The bauble stuff that you described above…please god no!
  7. Fair comment. So the annual November release date is more a reflection of the scale of data as opposed to it being an optimal sales window?
  8. I just love being patronised. Right up there with GB News and warm beer as my favourite things. in my really naive sweet way I would have thought that, as this is effectively a new game, it could come with a new schedule.
  9. Is that a fact? I would have thought, considering the game production has been running separately from the current version, there should be an earlier release. They’ve been working on it for years. The optimal release date would surely be September, just after European league kick off. in answer to the thread. Just want better graphics and great variety of entertaining football at the highest level. So when you buy Musiala he doesn’t play the same way as Jordan Henderson… oh and on Touch I don’t want every stat to be complete BS. but that’s a separate topic…
  10. Thanks Zachary. Other people not raising it is probably due to indifference or lack of awareness. I don’t think SI are unaware of this as I’ve raised it multiple times. Really appreciate your communication but I think SI are intentionally withholding telling the customers that the data hub is dysfunctional. That’s not great. Not great at all. The game is sold on such features and it would be proper, to say the least, to inform the public that it’s not fully functional. In your own words….’we don’t believe it’s 100% inaccurate’. Or in other words….its nowhere near 100% accurate. I am reaching out to gaming journalists as I think this is a serious issue (not the data hub per se, more SIs unwillingness to communicate it). Please can you communicate its inaccuracy to your customers. Thank you.
  11. How is the review going? Just completed another season and yet again data hub suggests my team are massive outliers in every metric. It’s plain wrong. please can you communicate its inaccuracy to the paying public. It is something you are aware of. SI market the game using data hub as a selling point. It feels like misrepresentation. This is a good game. Please don’t ruin things by deliberately obfuscating over this issue.
  12. And the fact it’s a 17yo GK, as opposed to Milner, succeeding as a striker is a red flag. I don’t want SI to go all open source. I just want some transparency and honesty. We all know perfect is the enemy of the good so we’re not demanding perfect. But we do need to know more about how the game/ matches work and where the faults lie. I really wouldnt give a damn if SI said marking is working imperfectly or attacking throws appear to be OP. But we are always left guessing if it’s our rubbish tactics or training or an in game blip. They don’t acknowledge their imperfections and their CEO broadcasts about love letters. Just cut the fluff, no more pretending trap outside isnt just another name for defend narrow and treat us like loyal customers.
  13. Wow. This is becoming a regular complaint. Totally unrealistic. Do SI rely on the fact the gamers (paying customers) don’t try anything ridiculous because if they do, the game gets found out. SI please address this. It’s important. If you have a valid explanation that would be great.
  14. Wtf!!!! This is a joke. Makes the game a joke. So what does matter? I’ve always defended SI and said this game (for all its faults) isn’t scripted and is an incredibly well built and believable reconstruction of football. Turns out I was wrong and it’s utter BS. and they just rely on gamers not doing silly things which will reveal the game to be a fallacy. SI really need to address this and explain why the above example of a kid GK is happening.
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