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aj6658 last won the day on October 28 2022

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468 "They call it a Royale with cheese"

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  1. Very little confidence in this game. Very much going to be a facelift game and with all the same bugs (overpowered Genpressing, awful awful squad building AI, terrible transfer modules) So disappointing
  2. Weight is something used against women (and men). Can see a scenario that a woman footballer has her FM page and weight shown after a bad performance and what not. The Joey Bartons and his incel followers love hating on women. Like how often do people actually check the weight when doing transfers - its such a non-topic
  3. This does not fill me with hope. The whole port is about better graphics and better UI. In terms if game engine, its all mathematical equations so to get better match engine, it'll require smarter equations. My fear is that because everything else has been a struggle, the fact that 8 weeks from the original release date they have announced now they have cut things so likely that the ME team may have been reassigned to work another things
  4. Haven't read everything on here but wanted to give my 2 cents I think FM needed to really go back and prioritise what is needed for the game. The game needs to deliver on 3 things 1. Improved graphics 2. Massively improved game engine with tactical flexibility 3. Massively improved AI squad building. That's what makes up 90% of the gameplay. I get people are annoyed that shouts have been removed but what I am hoping is that the layers of systems that have been added over the years and have made the game bloated (looking at you social media) means that they have stripped out and focused on building a much better game engine. FM is supremely complex so adding systems on top of systems adds a whole sweep of challenges and I can imagine trying to get shouts to work have too many impacts downstream and would take a long time get right. I rather they delivered a really good match engine this version and in FM26 starting adding stuff. Fact things are getting cut means that resources are being deployed elsewhere and I hope that with Unity there is a more efficient development process.
  5. I haven't played for months (really enjoyed it to start off with but tailed off but thats more because of me, not the game) How has the game developed since launch? Updates improved the game?
  6. How do I set player targets in player contracts. Im the first part of player negotiations where I offer playing time in different years and nothing it coming up. (Currently squad player to regular starter in 2026)
  7. ME thoughts Positional play and rotations really taken the game to new heights. Its made me to try 2D and the data analyst view which I have never done before because I want to see where my players are moving to, off the ball. Dribbling is night and day different from any other FM. I feel like good dribblers are now smart. They can take over their man, run the by line Much more realistic games. Long are the days when players shoot at stupid angles, passing randomly forward when you can retain possession/ recycle it. Long shots and cutbacks really OP - really easy for players to ghost in behind Do think attacking intelligence has improved alot but I feel like defensive intelligence hasn't kept up the pace Feel like with the new tactics that it's a bit easy just to plug and play inverted wingback, inverted FB e.c.t.
  8. Long shots are OP in my opinion Also think cut backs are also a bit strong
  9. I dont think ever in FM23 I had 73% possession that wasn't just passing it around the back and not really penetrating. This is night and day different in FM24
  10. Think if the Speculation thread goes ahead next year, it should only be allowed to start 3 weeks before. not 5 weeks we did this year. People on page 20 were thinking it was going to be out 4 weeks out
  11. TBH as much as I loved the clear feature reveal list this year I have felt there has been no video content to dig into Hopefully the YouTube CC will fill that appetite to calm some people down
  12. I think promoting a game and talking about in hindsight are different things. He could have gone into detail about why FM23 didn't meet standards in the blog but he didn't, he said it lies with him.
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