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Issue Comments posted by Pointless

  1. On 21.10.2023 at 01:04, Kyle Brown said:

    Thanks for clarifying, I've passed this over to our Tech team to investigate. I can only apologise in the meantime for any slowdown it causes, it's not one we've ever came across before.

    I solved the problem, I'm using a lenovo laptop and the `network boost` in the lenovo vantage application was turned on, I don't normally use it on and it only worked in FM, it was a strange problem. Sorry for the inconvenience.





  2. 20 saat önce, Kyle Brown said:

    Could I ask you to test this again now (or at another point tomorrow) just to compare the results at different times of day. It's not one we'll be likely to reproduce so will need as many data points as possible. 

    I'm at my mom's house right now in a completely different location and the same problem still persists... Unbelievable



    while the game is open




    When the game is not open

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