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FM Head Researchers
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41 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"



  • Member Title
    Africa Head Researcher


  • Interests
    FM, Football, Music

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  • Favourite Team
    Manchester United

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  • Currently Managing
    Manchester United

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  1. How does it work in places like Malaysia or India that has the same disparity between the foreign and local talent? Surely you could make it work the same as that?
  2. Hi, just wanted to offer my opinions on this one. There's a couple ways of looking at the goal outputs of Wingers / Inside Forwards. It is important to point out that for Inside Forwards to be top scorers generally the play has to be based around them with the Central Striker as a more supporting role, i.e. Liverpool's Defensive Forward or Napoli's False 9. Going strictly off of the English Premier League, there's normally an amount of Inside Forwards who score the most goals for their respective team, if you look just outside the top 5 scorers, there's a breadth of such players: Then there's last season, where the two top scorers (three if you include CR7) were Inside Forwards. There should be the option for an Inside Forward to score a bunch of goals, but it really works on a team-by-team basis.
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