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Posts posted by wbgsradio

  1. Dude, calm down. Your wishlist idea made no sense, he was asking you to clarify what your incoherent sentences were asking.

    Dude you don't need to jump in like your the man of steel, Wow I think I clarified enough and it was a wish list there is some wish's. I don't like from you guys, But I don't attack users on here for stupid little things. Such as a wish list idea. All I said was it would be better to see players then dots and you disagree simple. Also I said I was done arguing then you jump in and take sides wow can we just get over everything I get it you don't like my ideas. Also to let you know you can do anything as long as you know how to do it but why mod a game when you don't have to less stress and less messing around. Also we are modding with a mod that can already and should be default in game wow.

  2. If TBL did it right, use what you found on TBL.....I don't understand, you want an option to do what you can already do?

    lol so you infact, Don't want that improvement as. I do want the improvement, whats the Issue here is this a wish list or an opinion area? Why should I fight with you over an idea that makes no, Sense who wants just dots you cant even see the player fighting or getting knocked down. At least allow us to see fighting so the game records fights but don't show us fights? Lets improve the game in EA rather than not improve it cause after we play this cause we love it. Seeing a little more than just dots would actually make EHM:EA a lot fun this aint 07 its 2015 hell every other manger have more to it. All I am saying would be cool to see the dots look like players top down. Also would be cool to see goalies look like goalies and cool to see them save and players check. Well it might not happen this year but when they do you will be drooling over this and I requested this already lol. Also to make you have what you want dots, Why not give us options like in Football Manager TV options that would be cool in my opinion its 2015 lets see more out there I believe in you. Sports Interactive as you guys are amazing, Also I am done fighting over peoples opinions over my ideas its a wish list am I not right? Another thing I had to mod the game I dont want to mod the game all the time to get what I like how do I know they wont be compatible in network games so yeah.

  3. For me it depends on what you mean by "more realistic"

    I honestly like the dots, and don't need much more graphically

    But there definitely things I'd like to see to make the 2D more realistic...

    The focus IMO for 2D should at this time be on bug fixes (like the correct number/range for shots and hits for F/D) and basic improvements (so D in their own end stop throwing the puck blindly into the slot)....my wish list items for more realistic 2D would include things like seeing "play styles" more clearly (things like the cycling style of the Sedins, the big shot of Lafleur down the wing) & having an international sized ice surface along with the NHL size (and the play styles that would entail)

    My list of development/gameplay/AI ideas is mighty long! HaHa and investing resources on visual improvements would be at the bottom of that list for me

    Theblueline did it right with making the players, Being able to see the players moving. Even checked and you can even see the goalie saving so this is my wish list to do something like this or make an option for it.

  4. If you hadn't written "question" I would have let your comment go, as it is a "wish list" and people should be able to wish for what they want.....but since you're asking, the answer to your question is that would be years away in the best case scenario

    FM has been in constant development for decades, sells over a million copies, with around 100 people actively working on the game.

    EHM:EA (returning after a 9 year absence) is in early access, has sold 20K copies, and has Riz working on it in his spare time (when he's not working on FM).

    The 2D engine has issues with it, and those should be addressed first, along with the various bugs/fixes for the game that are needed right now.....given the limited development team/time and niche market sales it's unrealistic to think of 3D engines at this time (but wishing for is different! HaHa)

    What EHM has going for it is Riz, a passionate fan base and small group of dedicated volunteers; it'll take some time to build the game to the level that 3D engines are a realistic possibility...I sure hope we get to that point!

    OK what about making the, 2d players more realistic. Like theblueline has that mod, Should be mandatory for the game something like that where we see what our players do not just dots after all it is 2015 right?

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