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Posts posted by Asher413

  1. Another line selection thought: Some realistic fatigue AI. In the event my team spends 18 minutes on the power play, the AI still seems to want to start with the first line all the time when it's set to 'equal' rather than some evaluation that says "These guys haven't been on the ice for two minutes, let's start with them". Recommendations (probably not simple or feasible): some sort of fatigue setting (see WhatifSports basketball for a simliar idea) where if a guy is under x level of energy, his line gets skipped or he gets replaced on that line.

    In general, I'd just love to see more options (especially when coaching a game) on which lines to send out and when. I'd also like to see the line matching be about players, not lines (ex, put out these three forwards if Ovi is on the ice against us). Maybe even if you are just simming games, instead of telling the coach what lines to send out, give him a target time on a player (ex. I want these three forwards to get 18-22 minutes, these guys 8-12, etc.), which would also make coaches more important if you could tie in their ratings with how they meet those 'suggestions' from their GM.

    Also, more options on 'simming' such as checkboxes for "pause on goals", "Pause on penalties" or "Pause every 5 minutes".

  2. Sorry if it's been said: I'd like to see more options about when lines and d-pairs are on the ice. For example, a slider on how often a line can be put on the ice on defensive or offensive zone draws, if you're a home team the chance to 'avoid' a player (don't put player x out if player y is out for the road team), or on the other side more clear options on shadowing (always get d-pair 2 out when player x is on the ice).

    From B72 on EHM (and I agree)- I'd like to see "ask coach" be possible for tactics as well (I prefer to be more GM than coach).

    More chemistry feedback from your staff "Winger A and Center B have been clicking in practice, we should put them on the same line" or "These two players styles just aren't working together"

    More player affinity with staff (listing staff as favorite people organically)

    Better AI cap planning- the AI doesn't look at next season's cap until after July 1, and will reject trades based on going over the cap in late June when they really aren't.

    Rentals/trade-to-sign- let pending UFA's have some value, and somehow have that last week effort to sign a guy (conditional picks would help this a lot, 6th round if he doesn't sign, 2nd if he does, or plays games, not too dissimilar to some transfer clauses in FM)

    Sorry for the random list, but all things I've thought of and haven't typed up!

  3. Really? I'm using the blue line rosters and I'm playing as the oilers, and so far we've went to overtime like 9 times and all of them were 4on4 OT then shootout. Totally unrelated also, but whoever did roster ratings must not watch oilers because Hall is the worst deker of the kids, yet has best deke rating on my team lol.

    What version is your game? And I don't recall if 3v3 is only when you start a new game after a certain update or if older games have it.

  4. In playing The Blue Line's challenge I noticed: The 'variety' of scouting reports is a bit odd. I don't expect scouts to all agree on a player, but to have 8 different scouts have the same category as B- or B+, but no more variety is a bit strange. I have two of the exact same report cards, half the scouts say a player is one, half say he's the other... it feels too formulaic.

  5. The ability to gm/coach both national and pro teams at once

    I have done this in earlier versions of EHM:EA, haven't tested in a while.

    I know there's problems with licences etc for team names etc and think its been suggested a editor which would at least allow us to edit in real team names ie braehead clan instead of Glasgow c and fife flyers instead of kirkcaldy

    Check out the EHM Blue line (ehmblueline.com). It's a bit labor intensive versus what you'd expect, but you can edit DB's in 2006, then convert to 2015. Or they also have many db's for download. Not as nice as you are looking for, but it is a short term fix. (Someone over there is also working on a EA editor)

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