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13 "You're a bum, Rock"

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  1. Hi @knap hope you are doing fine! Can you tell me what is the tactic that works the best with Newcastle at start?
  2. @knap any ongoing tests on 23.3? Any idea on what is performing best in new Patch?
  3. Hey @knap, any idea on which tactics are best performing in this new update? Thanks mate!
  4. Hi @knap how are you mate? Are you going to update the google sheet to the 23.3 version? Which tactics are best performing in this ME? I was using the ME23.1BEOWULFKnapBALTIG424IFVOLP108EC but now I'm being eliminated from the cup by 2nd tier teams xD
  5. Hi @knap what is the most reliable ranking, the ME23.1 or the HUB Test? Because the top rated in HUB only has 80% in the current ME. Thank you
  6. @knap nevermind, I've found it, it was some answers before the one you sent me! Thank you anyway bro, you are awesome
  7. Hi @knap how are you? Can you point me to the best rated tactic on the google sheet, it doesn't have the url. It's the kashmir 4123 f9 af psg p109 ec cc. The fa cc has the link but this one doesn't, and I wasn't able to find it. Much appreciated
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