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Posts posted by Jrelis

  1. 8 minutes ago, D_LO_ said:

    Like I said it's in the thread, please get in a habit of searching (i.e. 'dialog' 'zoom') it will be of benefit in the long-run, takes 5 seconds.  

    My bad.  Sorry for being a bother, problem solved.  There is another problem though that I'm having with the in match scorebar where its not properly aligned. The time bar runs over into the team on the left's panel and if the team's color is white (like in my picture) its hard to read.  There's a picture, I apologize for the bad quality, I took it with my phone.   Has this also been fixed?


  2. 3 minutes ago, D_LO_ said:

    It's a corrupted dialog box for the zoom setting (I'm guessing you play on zoom...) You need to delete or replace the standard one and possibly others if they too are effected, i.e. within match.

    This is at least the third time it's been asked in this thread though so please don't forget to at least search within the thread beforehand, ta. 

    Ok thanks.  I went back and found what you were talking about.  What file do I have to delete exactly?

  3. Love the skin, and I'm using the most updated version, but it appears my popups are corrupted and I've tried reloading and clearing cache and nothing fixes it!  The little popup when you score a goal has just red lines running through it and the player name and goals scored is almost illegible.  Same with other in-game popup dialogue boxes.  What can I do to fix this?  I attached an example. Thanks.


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