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10 "You're a bum, Rock"

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  1. Love these tactics and want to try one. Will the tactic still be effective if I changed the FB (A) to WB (S) or WB (A)? Thank you Knap
  2. Hi Knap, not seen a successful 4-4-2 yet this year - was wondering if you had one?
  3. Hi Knap, thanks for the hard work. Do you have an up to date corner tactic at all?
  4. Hi Knap, I am a newly promoted team to the Premier League and finding it hard for results. I have been using a 3-4-2-1, I was wondering if you had a similar tactic you would recommend for a team in my position. Many thanks!
  5. Hi, I'm in 2033/34 with Chester, playing in the Premier League with a strong starting eleven. Can I get some thoughts on this please? We're not scoring enough goals despite having some of the best strikers in the league. Many thanks!
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