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Posts posted by Joshuasoul72

  1. On 22/02/2021 at 23:16, francis#17 said:

    How do you do this? I havent seen the option, could you take a screenshot please

    Hi Francis,

    When I set up my touchline tablet I usually configure it to show either 4 or 6 panels. 

    I think I am using 4 just now.  One of them will always be set to ADVICE.  

    It is within this panel, the advice panel, that I receive any advice given by the assistant manager.  Including injuries and suggestions for subs or players who are becoming fatigued.



  2. On 19/02/2021 at 00:25, bielsadidnothingwrong said:

    This is not correct, you cannot access dugout information from the touchline tablet.

    You can indeed access information from your assistant manager from the touchline tablet and I do it all the time. 

    The original post was in reference to checking what a staff member said about a players injury and who should be brought on to replace him.

    I set up my tablet to display information pertinent to what I want to see and that includes advice from my assistant manager.

    When a player gets injured or if I get other advice from him I can access this on the touchline tablet representation exactly as I said in my original reply to the question raised.

    I do however agree that the initial advice pop-up could remain on the screen for longer, but thereafter I have no issue retrieving what was said.

  3. This may be an issue with the skin I am currently using rather than an issue at your side.  However I am not sure so I thought It would be better to let you know just in case.

    The issue is with the tactics formation screen when in the match itself.   When making a substitution, the widget or pie that represents the players role suitability does not function or reproduce their suitability accurately.
    This happens with the OPZ elite 2021 skin, screenshot attached.

    The players I brought on in the example were, Striker, GK and LB for you to see that the widget for role suitability is not being presented.  If it is a skin issue, that is fine, I just thought it might be something that is not represented in your skin that could be showing up here and you might be able to correct it.




  4. Summary: 

    In the Tactics screen when selecting your players the filter panel is responding poorly to mouse instructions. (only in relation to left, right or central side instructions)

    Description of Issue:

    When you select a filter and then move a player into your formation, the filter panel loses its responsiveness. The side section in the panel disappears and you need to click it again for it to return.
    When you do it returns without the selection you previously made and you need to reselect it again.  This section has a very poor response from the mouse instructions. (The side section only)

    Steps to Reproduce:

    Easily reproduced by going to tactics screen, opening up filter panel on the right and selecting either left, right side or central.  Then close the filter and then reopen and your selection has disappeared.
    When you then re-click on your selection to activate it, the mouse becomes completely unresponsive until you click somewhere on the screen.  At that point the filter disappears and when you bring it back up, your selection is missing again until you click on the screen and to change it you need to keep doing this.  Only with the 'side' section.

    filter panel poor response.PNG

  5. 9 minutes ago, themadsheep2001 said:

    Can you link your post and I'll flag it again so someone takes a lot. They may well have seen it but at least you will know. 

    thanks again for the reply, I think i have linked it above as you requested.  This is the first post I placed there were several others afterwards from myself in the same section together with others from other users who are experiencing difficulty and have given up playing the game for now.

  6. 11 minutes ago, themadsheep2001 said:

    There's a response stickied at the top of this thread.. you create a bugs thread as the issue is far from uniform in terms of lag and even on the same hardware (is different users on Nvidia hardware having differing levels of performance)

    Thanks for the reply.

    I had already posted my issue on the 24th December in the 2020 bugs reporting forum under the heading "match engine Lag" complaint.

    Since then there have been about 20 posts referencing a similar issue and what is glaringly obvious is that this particular post has over 24,000 views.  With that many views I would assume that there is a great deal of interest in the topic from concerned customers who are currently unable to play the game because of the issues with the 3d graphics.

    I love the game, I always have and I never complain, but this is really frustrating and of course coming at a time like this during the holiday season does not help anyone.  We just need some clarification that our issues are being acknowledged and that they are being looked into.  I know its the first day back since xmas but no-one has replied to any of the 20 posts including my own in the forum and that's increasing everyones frustration as we really like the game, but just want to play it.

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