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36 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"


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    French Co-Head Researcher

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  1. Hi @Ente35, All players from French National to Ligue 2 BKT are now updated. Thank you.
  2. Bonjour @Varera, En effet il était manquant jusqu'à présent mais sa création est prévue sur cette phase.
  3. Salut @shirtstretch, Merci pour ton retour. Hasard des choses on a justement mis à jour le contrat de Sauvage ces derniers jours en nettoyant les divisions inférieures, il n'était effectivement pas resté longtemps ! On va s'occuper de Priou et Mingallon aussi
  4. Hi @Kybo2105, Thanks for your feedback ! This has been fixed 1 week ago and will be visible after a future update.
  5. Bonjour @armada, C'est tout à fait normal, les affluences actuelles du jeu sont celles de la fin de saison dernière. Cela peut poser problème pour les clubs relégués/promus, mais ces chiffres seront à nouveau mis à jour cet hiver lorsque nous serons à mi-saison, avec de nombreux matchs à domicile déjà joués pour avoir une bonne moyenne. Nous suivons les affluences grâce à différents sites (Foot amateur notamment), tu n'as donc pas besoin de nous remonter les chiffres ne t'en fais pas Merci à toi et bon jeu !
  6. Hi @Jilech, Thank you for your feedback, we fixed this problem but the database was already closed before early access release. So you will see this modification in a further update, later this season.
  7. I just launched a new save in Real World mode too, the salary is again 24€ per month like yesterday in original mode. I can't see why you have such a huge salary for him. The only difference is that you are using graphics updates, but it is not supposed to have any impact.
  8. Hi @Stoecken, Thank you for your input, this problem has already been reported. Unfortunately, on our DB side we have no control on these photos. As far as we (the researchers) know, SI is aware of this problem and it should be solved in a future update. Maybe they have to deal with licensing problems, that's why it takes time to fix it (we can only guess).
  9. OK, I was asking as I could see logo and photo update on your screenshot. Then maybe it has been fixed with the last release ? For sure we didn't set any salary in the DB at such a low level, so the problem comes for somewhere else. In that case, if you try a new save with the update that has been released today, do you still have this problem ?
  10. Hi @Ratio, Thank you for the feedback, this profile is now updated on our side. It will be visible in a future update.
  11. Hi @mwttstck, There is no salary set in the DB so he is supposed to have a salary "by default" in FM24. I just launched a new save, and I see 24€ per month. Just to be sure, are you using any unofficial DB update ?
  12. Hi @Greg1385, I confirm the name is Orange Vélodrome in both DB and the game. Are you using the original database or an update ?
  13. Hi @Gunners54, Yes it is possible to see them coming back in U19 in a future season, as some teams will be relegated the game will pick new ones to complete the different groups. Transfer of Gromat is already done, will be visible in a future update.
  14. Hi @southside_hitmen, Thank you ! Nationalities have been added. I will just contact Switzerland team for Perchaud as he is on loan there from Clermont. Italian team changed the place of birth from Pau to Tolosa 1 year ago, maybe they were mistaking with Toulouse. Be careful, changes will be visible only after winter update I think.
  15. Hi @Gunners54, Sorry if you saw my first answer about Bastia U19, I mixed Nancy and Bastia topics in my head... Regarding Nancy, they finally decided not to participate to U19 National this year. That's why they only have U18 Régional team and as a result they don't appear in FM24. U18 Régional is, indeed, a competition that is not represented. They were replaced by US Orléans U19 as you can see here: https://www.larep.fr/orleans-45000/sports/sauvetage-tardif-et-maintien-festif-les-u19-de-lus-orleans-en-revent_14361466/
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