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Everything posted by Bigwig

  1. I’d agree it’s going to be interest to see where Bellingham plays for Real next season (I’m not entirely sure how they fit Mbappe either) Plenty of people were advocating dropping him back alongside Rice and using Foden as a 10, but it wasn’t considered because he’d had such a great season in an advanced role (even if it was still different). If he ends up dropping deeper for Real and then the new manager follows suit, people will be asking why we didn’t try this sooner.
  2. Nah he’s surprisingly pretty crap at them and admits it himself. Best he does is take someone away from another scorer.
  3. Guehi made a couple of mistakes but got away with them. Said it earlier but they were the same kind Dunk got punished for. The no left back thing was proper weird. At Newcastle we have Burn, Targett and Hall who are all English and ahead of tripper on the left and while I’m not saying they’re all international quality (hopefully Hall gets there) they would have been better picks than just not having anyone apart from Shaw.
  4. I think his hand has been forced by some players being injured while others’ form has nose-dived to the point that he couldn’t justify their inclusion over others who have had really good seasons.
  5. In fairness Henderson was probably already plan B while Phillips was plan A, but that also got trashed.
  6. I don’t think any hindsight was needed. He was already slowing down at Liverpool and as soon as he decided to go to Saudi that should have been the end of his England career and the time used to integrate someone else into his position.
  7. You’ve said this before but that’s not the case. People wanted Southgate to be trying players in-form throughout the build-up to the tournament and not just randomly throw them in last minute. Someone like Anthony Gordon was playing well all season and didn’t get called up until March, while he stuck with the likes of Henderson right until the last minute when he suddenly did a 180 on his philosophy.
  8. I would dispute that the system was working well until this summer. The signs have been there for ages.
  9. Being a public servant is going to be a pittance compared to what he can get elsewhere. Is it too late for the Man Utd gig?
  10. The pub round the corner from me suddenly started charging £10 entry for the final. Walked past yesterday afternoon and it was rammed. Also took the dog for a walk this morning and there were pools of sick on the pavement. Nice.
  11. Which manager are we blaming for the long kicks? Southgate or Dyche? The players were repeatedly asking Pickford to play it out and he kept going long, so if that’s under the managers instructions then it needs to be communicated throughout the team as it’s no good having your players trying to contradict team instructions.
  12. He’ll have plenty of offers but not sure of they’ll be as financially lucrative or come with all the additional perks of being England manager (free entry to games and all the additional hospitality). I always figured the FA would move him into some role behind the scenes as an ambassador or technical director, something similar to what Trevor Brooking does (did?).
  13. I think it’s natural for club fans to defend their players when they see them being overly criticised or see players in their position underperforming when they know that their own player could potentially offer something there. After one ineffective game in central midfield people were saying that Trent’s tournament and possible England career was over, which was complete tosh.
  14. If he’s earning the rumoured £5m per year that’s a lot to walk away from. Don’t see him getting that anywhere else.
  15. Southgate talking about his future makes it sound alike it’s his decision to make but the FA really need to be stepping up here.
  16. In Southgate’s first tournament he persisted with Deli Alli who wasn’t fit at the time and stuck with him despite calls to replace him. He hasn’t learned.
  17. Yeah I think that’s been an ongoing issue throughout Southgate’s tenure. You see other teams drawing who are making subs to try and win the game whereas Southgate prefers to keep things as they are to stay in the game rather than push for a winner. Trent, Gordon, Eze and Bowen could have all caused problems to a team who’ve just conceded and are trying to resettle.
  18. Spain looked rattled for a few minutes after the equaliser but then we eased off again and let them go back to dictating the tempo.
  19. Previously advocating for Bank Holidays when in opposition but then changing course when having the power to implement them would be peak Starmer. Such an easy win when still in the honeymoon period but a potential own goal if he backtracks so soon.
  20. Some of the opinion changes are akin to that character in The Fast Show. Mainoo tried a lofted pass which didn’t work out and he should be immediately pulled, but now he’s undroppable. Palmer has gone from should be starting over Saka, to not being at this level to being able to pick out those passes again. As for Southgate, he could either be our best manager since Sir Alf or the biggest underachiever based on what has happened by 11pm Sunday night. Wild.
  21. I don’t think Kane works as an impact player. You want someone coming in with a bit pace and/or mobility to put tired defenders under pressure so would rather Watkins or Toney (even maybe Gordon) coming on than Kane.
  22. The penalty was around the 20min mark so while it’s obviously a big moment I don’t anyone can say it decided the match, as there was still plenty that could have happened if it wasn’t given.
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