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Posts posted by weasel65

  1. Not sure if this has been brought up or not, but it would be nice to set your power play to 4 forwards and a defence man as a toggle, same as the 3 on 3 use 2 forwards or 2 defence.  Right now I can only do it if I manage all the lines.  If set as a toggle you can let the coach take control of the lines while you worry about trying to get trades done (very hard now).

  2. Did you check the "Include Own" option in the Filters ? By default it is on "No", so it won't show any players contracted to your own team in the searches.

    changed it to include own. Selected PLAYER SEARCH, left all at ANY, selected SCOUTED ONLY (so those two players I specifically scouted should show up), changed filter to YES on include own, and got a big blank page with 10619 players filtered out. (If you want to move these posts over to the general section that is ok, I kind of hijacked the wish list thread with this).

  3. 5. you have to send scouts out to scout that specific player for him to show up on any list where "scouted only" is checked.

    2. I don't see injuries to star players only, this season I've only had my top left winger out for two weeks, all other injuries have been to third and fourth liners. Make sure you're not overworking your players by having them practice too much if they also play heavy minutes. Nothing above "medium" unless they have extremely high stamina.

    I do scout single players, which I said in my previous post. First I scout league XXX and see who is recommended, then I assign scouts to watch him. Still nothing in the field. Going to run an experiment and see just to make sure I am not goofing somewhere.

    I have never ever had a 3rd or 4th liner injured in either 07 or EA

  4. 1. I noticed that avatar, just thought it was someone who liked that symbol.

    2. Sure if you were only rolling 3 lines with line 3 getting 20 second shifts, but if you are like me and you roll all 4 lines, top 2 at 40 seconds, bottom 2 at 30 then there isn't a big difference, but there is in injuries. Only stars get injured.

    3. Kessel playing with Leafs and LA, Leafs finished last yet here are his stats as of 2026: 1557 NHL games, 828 goals, 700 assist. There are numerous players averaging 2 points per game, top 18 of top 50 after 40 games. Scoring is way too high.

    4. Yes, that does work, not sure why I had never figured that out before. Thanks.

    5. I have a scout scouting my shortlist, single players I may be interested (assign scouts to watch player) and draft. No matter which scout I pick, even the one assigned to watch a single player, I end up with a blank list.

    Thanks for the reply.

  5. First off, is anyone from EHM reading these boards, just wondering and not complaining, just asking?

    Ok: Jack Adams trophy should not always go to the guy who wins the cup, just like it doesn't in real life. Pat Burns won the trophy in 93 when he took the crappy Leafs to game 7 of the Eastern Conference final, after decades of being crap (and since). Who is the better coach, guy with a loaded team and maxed out cap or a guy who motivates his average/above average players to give it there all every game?

    - trophy awards - put back in what each is for: i.e. Vezina = awarded to top goalie.

    -injuries - why is it only your top 6 forwards, top 2 defense men and starting goalie that get injured? Have yet to see, in both EHM07 and EA, a fourth liner get knocked out for 4 months. On top of that: stubbed his finger, out for two weeks? The finger is a long way from the heart.

    - too many match penalties

    -Phil Kessel out scoring Crosby and Ovechkin year after year after year. I now count 5 years with 100+ points, always minimum of 45 goals. Something wrong.

    - be able to sort players in NHL by ending contract without having to scout the entire league. July 1 should not be a surprise who is a free agent, I should know before hand so I can plan.

    - I have noticed that when I have my scouts scout a league, and then sort players by 'scouted only' that the list turns blank even though players have been scouted. Remove 'scouted only' and the list populates.

  6. 1. When teams make an offer for a player you have 'offered to all' be able to 'accept' instead of locking and then offering the same trade back for the offering team to now change their mind. When you accept an offer you always get the message 'xxx have made a new offer' instead of 'xxx have accepted'.

    2. Able to create scouting bunches! I normally have 6 scouts scouting the draft, instead of having to do the same clicks for six scouts (NHL draft/normal/age/position x 6) be able to just tick some boxes for the scouts you want and then create the scouting routine and blanket assign it.

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