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Posts posted by dmleibo

  1. 19 hours ago, Alari Naylor said:

    Hiya, we've seen a couple of devices it could be a bit small on that we will embiggen it for at some point in the not too distant future, and we are also considering people to have the option to have the winter ball at all times. I am guessing you may have device brightness turned down a bit, that's the main way we've seen it a bit harder to follow?

    My brightness is a little higher than the middle setting.  It's an iPhone XS with the latest iOS version on it.  Thanks for responding and letting us know it's on your radar. Much appreciated.

  2. I've played the previous version a lot and it was always easy to see the ball during matches.  In the 2020 version of the mobile game, it's hard to pick-up the ball moving around even with my glasses on - it's definitely smaller.  Is there a way to help folks getting up in years be able to see where the ball is?  Make it bigger or a color that stands out more?  I don't see it anywhere in the game or match settings but perhaps I'm missing something.

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