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Everything posted by joebailey141

  1. Thanks once again for the great feedback. I wanted to update everyone on this thread about what has happened since opening. For my maiden season in the Premier League, I decided to keep the same shape but press less, be more narrow and counter attack more against the better opposition. This is what I went with:
  2. Thanks for your thoughts Hanzi. Yes, that was a typo!! I of course mean a 325 build up shape.
  3. Yeah, being pressed off the ball is an issue in away games but then I struggle to create enough when teams sit off It is frustrating that a squad as strong as Leicester cannot implement a slow possession game effectively in the match engine... If you can tell me how to smh upload a save then I can do it for you!
  4. Thanks for the feedback Cloud. Yes, I have been a little frustrated with the DLP(d). I have more direct passing and take more risks on his PIs but he is still a little too safe in possession. I have tried him on a support duty but that takes away my logic of having someone cover the attacking fullback by sitting deep. Perhaps I will try a DM and play around with duty. I was aiming for a balanced tactic and style as oppose to counter attacking. As a better team in the division, I wanted to be controlling things a little more but have struggled to do this. I am also trying to avoid the obvious high tempo, counter, counter pressing, high press etc. I have actually just won promotion now so can maybe transition to a more counter attacking approach as I will be a weaker side now. Playing on wide: I wanted the WB(a) and the winger(a) to make the pitch as wide as possible, to stretch the pitch. Most teams sat deep and narrow against me so this seemed logical. Perhaps it left me a little too open on the counter? I was having problems with Angelo being isolate, you are right. I chose the SV role and put him on 'move in to channels' and this has helped narrow that gap and progress the play there. I also want to keep the IFB(d) role as I want a 325 shape in possession. I think a may need more of a second goal threat and am thinking of changing the attacking left midfield slot to an IF(a) leaving space for the wing back to bomb forward. The middle role will stay as AM(s) or AP(s) and I will have a winger on support on the right with instructions to keep the width. Something like the picture below: What I am looking to do (always) is get tactics working that that make sense football-wise.I don't want to just tick boxes because they work on FM. I'd appreciate any more thoughts
  5. I am playing in the Championship with Boro in season 3. I have an excellent squad but keep losing to dire teams and am often unable to score against teams that sit back. In my mind, the tactic is logical and balanced with threats out wide and through the centre. Can anyone spot anything obvious that is a problem? I cannot put my finger on what is going wrong using the data or watching matches. I just lost 3-0 to a hugely inferior Portsmouth side and I could not get a foothold in the game. My players are fit and morale is largely good. Thank you.
  6. I had the same issue with Sparta Rotterdam. Had £50m in the bank from player sales and was also massively under the wage budget. Had spent years building up youngsters to sell for this very reason and was looking forward to a huge summer rebuild. I was was given a transfer budget of -£1m. This has ended my interest in the save.
  7. I wanted to build a tactic around a wide playmaker and I like to defend in a 442 shape, so I set up the below tactic. The idea is for the play to go through the wide playmaker and for him to be the key man in the team. I have Alex Scott in this role, the perfect man for the job. I want him to tuck inside in front of the CMD and behind the advance forward who creates space for him. When on the ball, I want him to drive inside and play though balls to the winger, the advance forward or the overlapping wing back. However......this hardly ever happens. He does not come in narrow enough no matter what I do, the team can't get the ball to him enough and he is just not involved and not creative. I have tried him as in IW, AP attack and a wide midfielder. Nothing works. I'm desperate for this to work and am committed to the 442 shape. Any ideas? Anybody has success with a wide playmaker?
  8. Hi! I have downloaded stadium backgrounds but the default skin covers them up. Can anyone recommend a skin that will show these and also explain how a novice (like me) can find and install? Many thanks
  9. Hi! Just bought FM23 and downloaded some database files to fix things like incorrect names. I have them all ticked (see image below) but only some changes have worked. As you can see, two Brazilian team names have changed but not the rest: Any help very much appreciated!!! Thanks. For reference, I have saved the downloaded files in to this location.
  10. Thank you everyone for your interesting feedback so far. Food for thought….. Going to purchase FM23 today!
  11. This is not really what I am asking for. Obviously what I am trying to convey is not coming across. So, with that in mind, please ignore everything else I said and simply let me know: what is you favourite match engine? 22 or 23?
  12. P.S graphics are largely irrelevant to me as I play in 2D. More interested in how well you can implement tactical ideas e.g wingers actually staying wide when asked, magical number 10s with free roles playing this way and causing chaos etc.
  13. Sure, I know the demo would give me an idea and is a useful tool. However, I find that it takes a good few seasons of trying various different tactics to truly discover how the match engine works and how well it can replicate my tactical ideas. Appreciate any feedback (and aware it could vary wildly) but will also dip in to the demo. Thank you to all so far.....
  14. Which do you prefer? A simple answer of 22 or 23 is what I am after..... Undecided on buying the new game and my enjoyment always comes down to the match engine. Reading lots of conflicting reviews online so would love the feedback of the community. Thanks!
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