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Posts posted by Ozzman

  1. There is a problem with that the new European seasons doesn't start until july.

    I was playing a game as a swedish club. When the season was over in april, I added another manager and took control of one of the clubs who just got relegated from the Swedish league. 1st of may all european contracts expire, so I went underway with singing a whole team of players. I managed to sign a bunch of good players, but when july came along the new season started, and all the players I've just signed that had a relegation clause left the team, because that's when the teams status changed from highest league to second highest. And I got fired because the team was relegated although it already were relegated when I took control of it.

    That also means when the european free agent market starts in may, you don't know what budget you have until july. But you have to start signing players right away, because in the middle of may all good players are signed up.

  2. Get rid of shock retirements!

    Just signed a 61-year old head coach and he retired the very next day! It also happens with older players too often.

    I don't think they should get rid of it completely. It can happen, and some irritation-moments is good for a game. But it's nothing that should happen every season.

    I just lost my star-signing to shock retirement (33 years old =(

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