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18 "You're a bum, Rock"

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  1. I don't know if anyone else has this problem but AMs and DMs are not gaining familiarity as players playing in other positions. They are are all playing in their natural positions, training their role used in the tactic and playing mathces but familiarity for AMs and DMs goes up very slowly. I'm only referring to "position/role/duty" by the way. For all the other areas they gain familiartiy similar to the rest of the squad.
  2. Yes, on the right side of the preview screen, players wear their preseason friendly numbers. But on the left side, same players are listed with their assignsed shirt numbers which are different then their shirt numbers they used for the friendly. For instance, Jake Livermore's assigned shirt number is 8 (left side of the screen), his shirt number on the friendly is 20 (right side of the screen). I though it's confusing.
  3. name of the save file is "Watford_SetPieces"
  4. I realized during a pre-season friendly game, player numbers on the left and right side of the preview section does not match with each other.
  5. In my Watford save I realized my opponents were not making substitutions in friendly games. They are not like low profile teams who cannot fill their bench. I'm playing against Aberdeen, its 78th minute and they only made one sub so far. Seems strange to me.
  6. I just confirmed the deal I'm only paying him 39,5k. So no problem form finances point of view The confirmation mail I got was wrong though
  7. Hi there, Durign my Huddersfield save, I made a loan offer (100% wage coverage) to Daniel Jebbison. His wages when I made the offer was 39,5K euros p/a. The offer got accepted. When I got the confirmation mail, I realized I had to pay him 475K euros p/a because he signed a new contract the day he decided to join my club on loan. I believe I shouldn't be covering more than 39,5K, or at least I should have been warned.
  8. I just got a new game started with Huddersfield and on the day my save started I got this message. Seems little odd to me. I also uploaded the save file just before I got this message. Name of the file is "Huds".
  9. I got same issue. No matter what I try, I do not get report on next opposition
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