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Posts posted by Frikki

  1. 21 hours ago, Hildor said:

    I agree with the contracts but specially having the option to accept another club offer but postponed it till the end of the season. Lots of time I lose good job offers because in fighting for a title in my current team and want to finish my job.

    Another example is managing nations (when are we getting a small revamp btw?). I was managing Nigeria and doing well in world Cup, a few other nations fired their managers, I applied and got job offers while I was still in the world Cup with Nigeria, a postpone for a week option would be good for example. 


    Yep, if you do a "ground-hopping" save, there is no other way if you want to swtich to another league/club.
    There isn't even much fanfare, no, you somewhat "cheat them" and leave like a coward, no matter what glorious moments you had with them.

    BTW: Adding fixed contracts could even add some difficulty, since the players wage would be deducted from the budgets of the club.
    (And no, no "I'll manage Barca for free". A realistic amount that the player can't negotiate (based on club prestige, clubs money, league, player/manager prestige, etc).
    Heck, did you even know that Simeone earns 30 Mio p.a. / 570k p.w.?! - Flick 7 Mio p.a., Guardiola 23 Mio p.a., etc.)

  2. On 27/02/2021 at 09:17, Hildor said:

    Imo the main problem about the game becoming to easy is the AI being dumb over the years they let their rosters age and basically destroy them. I do a lot of journeyman saves and moving around clubs I find the weirdest squads, one team I moved was 70% into the league and only had one CB and 5 RBs... AI doesn't even seem to know how to ad basic depth to a squad, so over the time everyone gets weaker while we know how to build strong squads. 


    Well, this is true aswell.
    At my current save Bayern uses a RFB of their reserves team because they sold their only real RFB at the start of the season.
    They could possibly use Mamin Sanyang (semi-good talent), although RFB or RWB is only his "secondary position", but not, they loaned him at the same time.

    The AI needs two things to be a challenge even in the lategame:

    1. A basic depth-check for the squad (eg have 2 RFB and 1 player who can play their in a pinch)
    (This should go hand in hand with the formation ofc - no reason for 4 strikers, if they don't use more then one in their formation)

    1.1. This could be done by loaning older(!) players that don't get much caps
    1.2. No one would be mad if there would be a resonable position gain, if it's in the middle of the season and there were several injuries (eg CB #3 or #4 is suddenly "acceptable" as RFB or so)


    2. The managers favorite formation shouldn't have that much impact

    I've seen so many Wingers being crippled because the clubs new manager prefered eg 5-3-2 without wingers, it really makes my heart bleed.
    At the same time they enforce Wingbacks although the club doesn't have any.
    To cut a long story short: The pref. formation of a manager should NEVER be ranked higher than what squad the club has.


    PS: It was posted so often in the requests section, but still: We need manager contracts for the player and the AI.

  3. Thank you for the reply.

    Well... let's boild it down to a simple question: Would a player like Ibrahimovic or Buffon even be possible in FMM?
    And yes, I mean "still good players" of a top team in a top league, nott something like "bench-warmer of a mid-tier league 3 team"


    Oh, one thing that needs a serious revamp is the national teams.
    Please make these players fully scoutet and provide some screen, where eg simply choose eg from the 5 best Keepers of that nation and than move on to the next position.
    ATM it's really strange to manage a national team.

  4. As always, please excuse my english.

    So, I'm a FM fan for years and due to obligations I'm mostly playing the mobile version for some years now.
    And some things need to be revamped. Let's talk about this:

    1. Older players.

    This is probably the biggest issue in my eyes (also for the PC version).
    With some exceptions like WC players like Lewandowski, Messi, Ronaldo and ofc Keepers the AI and or the game the game itself treats older players like... well... ****.
    The number of players retiring with 32/33 is staggering and the number of players that worsen at a ridicolous rate with 31+ (even 1st team players) is horrendous.
    I don't know what's the cause but I've seen this over several FMM's now with different saves and different "nation setups".
    Is there some magical treshold in the code that translates to "enter the downward spiral"?

    This issue creates strange moments like eg the money machine (ManCity) buying a player at the age of eg 30, just to release him out of his contract like two years later.
    You know, like: City buyning Thauvin in 24/25 for 104 Mio Euros and releasing him at the end of 25/26. The player is "destroyed" now with stats showing that he hadn't much play-time.
    And now he's playing for WSG Tirol, a middle team (at best) of Austria's first league?
    Don't get me wrong, such stories appear IRL from time to time (total trainwreck of a career, like Samed Yesil, etc.). But such things happen not quite as much as they do ingame and IRL mostly appear to be a "overhyped talent" thing.

    So please: Do something about older players. They end their careers to soon on average and loos their stats at least on AI-teams way to fast.
    Older players are still considered to be worthless by most players, something that isn't correct on IRL basis (unless you have a special approach, like Leipzig or so).
    They need a huge boost in usefulness regardless of the issue above, esp for the player who is more likely to kick 30+ out than the AI.
    Mentoring shouldn't be a thing for players of 30 years or younger, so it offers a small benefit to the older players. Maybe some stats (incl hidden ones) should have thresholds until a player reaches a certain age.


    2. The game is too easy

    I know that everyone defines "difficulty" different. I'm not talking about abusing exploits (eg sign free players and sell them)
    But overall the game is just too easy. It doesn't matter that much if start as a top team or work your way up from the lowest leagues.

    This boils down to one thing in particular: It's too cheap to sign players or renew their contracts.
    The signing fees are way too low. IRL a normal signing fee is something like the salary of one year, for a simple renewing.
    Signing fees of free agents tend to be even higher, but this is based on the players standing.

    Another thing is that players don't really care for their role in the club.
    Should a talent go with worlds top 10 team, warming the bench (or worse) or should it go with a mid-sized club and doing things step by step?
    There are examples for both cases. But ingame you can get any talent, if your club is big enough.
    Players don't even really rebel against their club role, at least not on the players side. Some starting caps against low tier teams and they're happy again that's it.
    AI teams have such cases, they player can simplay ship arround these cliffs.



    There are some other things but I guess it's enough text for now.

  5. Can you please do something about these?

    I mean, no one knows at first who eg this is: Carlos Henrique José Francisco Venancio Casimiro but everyone knows who Casimiro is.
    The NewGens in the lategame all have these "full names" which aren't pleasant to read and make it hard to distinguish players at first glance.


  6. Well.... as someone really into market values of players (former mod of transfermarkt.de (transfermarkt.com), etc) I can tell you this:

    The value of a player is always some sort of neutral ground.
    But there were several cases IRL where players were sold for MUUUUUCH more or less considerung their market value.

    Thing is: If the AI doesn't want to sell their player, they don't say "no", they ask like 25x the MV.
    You can even test this: If you leave for another club as last thing you do: set some some palyer as unsaleable. If you want to buy this player with your next club you'll be suprised what they're asking for.
    This is even more or less realistic. And if you hope your top talent will develop well and you get much more money for him the next season... why should you sell him sooner?

    And for selling players: This depends somehow. I too received some hilarious offers for players not listed, etc. (like 40M for Davies (four years of the contract left) after three seasons (where is is the best LWB in the world) when playing with Bayern - WTF?)
    But if you want to get rid of players, the AI takes this into account. They know you want to sell and therefore the asking price drops below the MV.

  7. I'm calling this one Tea Break because you islandguys love tea. I'm so funny, aren't I? :D

    I know, a mobile game has to be fast and instant fun.
    But I'd die for a mode (maybe optional), where the game takes a break from time to time to do better and deeper calculations.

    You know, stuff like: finances (even PSG can't spend 200 million Euro/Pound if the didn't reach the ECL, etc), tactics (current formation, desired formation, players need for this), player-status in the club, their morale, their near future, maybe even their personality (shifting), small alterations in the PA and a similar things.
    For each club/player.

    My hope is that something like this would prevent some still occuring things like eg one club buying three new keepers (all destined to be #1) in one window, clubs using eg a CM as "10"  and a AM aus "8" and such things, leading to an overall more realisitic experience, even on mobile.


    Thing is: Such calculations take time, more than eg the transition between seasons.
    So the second part of this idea is a read-only state during these calculations. The game could show eg. each players current relations (own team) or "refreshed" scout reports from the short-list, or statistics of eg the ECL, some Cup or whatever. So basically stuff people don't really look at that much. Heck, maybe even an "Where are they now?" for former players of the club, etc.
    So while all the calculations are running, you can dive into the more detailed stuff.
    These calculations should be at least two times each season (before the start of a transfer-window). Four times would be better but most people would lack the patience for something like that.

    And if you don't want to do it, you can simply grab a cup of tea while the game calculates or simply disable that mode in the beginning.
    Dont get me wrong, the FMM is great for a casual App an mobile and it'll never reach the depth of the PC-version.
    But adding stuff like this could lead to a more immersive experience and get closer to the PC-version.

  8. Yep, the "into the blue" scounting needs some tweaks.

    Stuff like "I'm looking for aright wingback with good pace" or "some midfielder who is strong with freekicks" should be the MAIN way looking for players and not searching the whole database (vanilla even without hidden attributtes) and then scout the target I already found myself.


    There should also be an auto-scouting option, e.g. scout promising players withoug a club, etc.

  9. Hi folks,


    I need some advice. I know, even an ape could lead Bayern towards winning the Bundesliga and reaching the semi-finals of the ECL.
    But my woes lie elsewhere.

    1. Lewandowski
    He's maybe the best player atm IRL but ingame he almost never scores, even if my team is winning like 4-0 or so.
    I had to set him as #1 for penalties and central close freekicks, just so that he'll score that way from time to time.
    If he doesn't do it that way, he'll get his 6, sometimes even 5 in every match...

    He is my lone striker (Complete Forward) and I know that this is a) a hard role in general (getting marked, being alone, etc.).
    But this isn't normal. If I simulate/skip a match he often scores two, or even three goals but in the EME he is useless, even if used as a poacher.
    My tactic is a more agressive Tikki-Takka with either 4-1-2-2-1 or 4-2-3-1. Having a "10" or not doesn't make much difference.
    (it doesn't matter, if my team works the ball into the box, dribbling/throughballs, etc. it's always the same)
    Most of the time my Wingstrikers "steal" the goals (Gnabry, Sane, Coman, etc.) - or the AM/CM (mostly Müller, Kimmich)

    The funny thing is that while I've often read topics like "lone striker doesn't score", "Complete Forward doesn't work in EME" on other boards (FMMvibe, etc.) but with someone like Haaland stuff gets much better.
    So Lewandowski seems to have a strange mix of Stats. Heck, even Bayerns youngsters like Zirkzee score more goals like Lewy in the EME and I simply don't know why.
    And I don't want to replace him anyway (trying to play as realistic as possible, even letting go Boateng, Martinez & Alba for free as IRL...)


    2. Reserve
    These are two points actually. Bayern has a semi-unique thing with it's Reserve team being in a "real league", not a reserve league.

    2.1. The Reserve gets wrecked
    Well, Bayern's Reserve isn't as strong as the year before (where they won the their league, the 3. Liga) but they should be a solid middle team regardless.
    It sucks that we can't change the tactics (and no, even changing the coach alters the formation to something else then 4-4-2) but they get crushed by 95% of all other teams, which is hilarious.
    And I can't do anything about it. Even feeding them players from the main-squad changes anything.
    Is this a bug? Even if I go nuts and bring players in that are to strong for that league (freebies like Asamoah or players from the main-squad permanent) they still get crushed by MUCH weaker teams.
    I have to make friendlies every damn weak so the moral won't go down into the abyss.

    2.2. Reserve-Players and Training
    Almost all of my Reserve players have info like "needs a better special training" or stuff like that in their training tab. So after some research I found out it has to do with the assistant coaches.
    So I fired my fitness coach and hired another attacking one, just to see if the eg Strikers are happy now. But no, nothing changed.
    In general all coaches of the main squad never had even one of the reserve players in their "tab". Does the game recognize the Reserve of Munich as seperate team?


  10. Hi folks,


    I'd used the bug report feature for a save but my Mail-App has some problems with it :(


    So: On my current save some AI teams make VERY strange transfer moves.

    It's not the players themselves but the fact that they end up in the reserve team and stay there forever .
    Some examples: Barca buying Lukaku in 22/23 and he never made a match in the main team (atm it's 23/24)
    Or Real Madrid buying Isak for 80 mio Euro and he plays in their Castilla...
    Something is very wrong here. I can't even see their squad under "Tactics" because with exception of some players most spots are empty (full simulated leagues).
    And if I look at the statistics most players don't even make caps, WTF?

    Or another example, quit similar: Rashford moving to Real Madrid for amazing 164 million Euro in 21/21 and until 23/24 he made ONE cap (in the starting season) and that's it.
    And they still value him as key player and won't sell him.

    PS: The AI transfers are questionable to begin with. PSG and ManCity buy players for hundreds of millions EACH YEAR. Please fix their stats (it doesn't matter if their league is fully simulated or not). Teams like Barca, the german teams in general, etc. rarely buy players at all.

    PPS: When will we be able to choose five nations in the beginning to eg. simulate the Big Five (England, Spain, Germany, France & Italy)?
    It's a shame that we have to cut one. Smartphones have enough power today.



    I'll try to add some screen into a second post here.

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