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94 "There's no crying in baseball"


  • Biography
    Oviedo/ Edinburgh

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    Real Oviedo

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  1. Hello, I post here cause no idea about what to do. All the leagues have same schedule, for example premier matches are at the same time same day, 3 pm or 8 pm all with TV , in individual and multilayer. I already check the settings to put, tv moves the matches etc, ans also try all the options, ans nothing to do, frustrating. I even installed in my second computer and still the same! there is no solution, , is this a bug or is just happening to me? Thanks in advance
  2. Chances of Madonna realeasing the beta in the middle of the concert and after singing with Miles?
  3. I was thinking , imagine they start to release dlc with different databases, 96-97, 03-04........... i will pay a lot for this.
  4. No idea about who you are , i didn't post here since months and I recommend you to find a hobby and in case you post here just bring with something to add to the topic, stop being a Bully. Case if someone speaks here without any evidence or info its you: "I doubt that's true" . Respect the Forum.
  5. 12, 6, 8, 8 , 11 are the blocked shoot per game in my last 5 games in the game, whitout know the answer first ask, cause maths never fail , do u need the screenshots to make your doubts away?
  6. This game really annoys me , all the shoots are blocked by the defence , that's really unrealistic.
  7. Since yesterday i m in a online game and we have a versus game, we tried six times and the game disconnect him always during the match , any idea? graphic card update? Many thanks
  8. After years I still doubting , is the height taking in consideration in the headers?¿ cause kante in two games destroy soucek and this doesn't look really realistic. thanks
  9. Someone know what happened , every time after the match when i have to speak with media i cant continue , i have to save the game and load to be able to continue . thanks
  10. Since there hundreds of bugs marked by the community for years and never fixed this is a clear synthon that they aren't with us, about the communication just check this post, the comments with more likes . We can also speak about the way miles answer in twitter, even if he is right sometimes , there is not a way to behave like this 10 messages and nothing interesting to add, just personal attack. Or u work for SI or u have a kind of attraction for me cause since you are in the forum you just post info about the game or attack me directly. At least hide it a bit
  11. "as soon as it's ready to go", Well, in terms of communication SI games is probably the worst company in videogames I know (with special mention to miles) , the main problems with the costumers are exactly created for this communication. The year you did a game full of bugs , not enjoyable, Its the year to listen the community and try to fix all the mistakes you did. What they have right now is a game that isn't a good product , all the costumer ( cause we are costumers , we pay for this, its our right to ask for fix the bugs as soon is possible ,3 months since last update isn't acceptable ) are waiting for a update that is more late than ever, and this is even worst cause SI doesn't affront this directly, obviously people when se tweets about papa john get angry , Its normal. They should start to work in crisis management and communication, the company will feel better and the community will be less toxic, the company must work with us , not against us. Specially with our community, if there is people who buy a game since 20 years its us !
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