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474 "They call it a Royale with cheese"

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  1. This is very understandable and accessibility is must in future. I work in soft development company and we advice all our clients to take this topic seriously. Because coming years the rules are getting sticker and striker for applications. I dont know how this affects games tho. But I am glad to see slowly our clients understanding the importance of this. BUT, this does not mean u could develope the UX fully this in mind. You have to give options to switch into this via settings or some other ways. Regular users should not be affected that much by this and have full UI built around it. Lets see how and what will be. This blog post did made things only more confusing than clear.
  2. Will be interesting to see. I am really tuning in how they will explain their UX choices, because this is promised. Overall yeah did not expect much and not let down because of it. I am glad they bite the bullet to remove some features for release and push decent game out. What we are seeing creates mixed feelings, specifically the UX stuff. Really feel mobile, consol UX coming over to PC. Hope there is a bit more toggles to get more overview etc. Need to investigate, but a bit concerning might be how much we could see modders working on these so called tiles and card system to get more indepth UIs we are used to from our amazing community, This only confusing to me? What part here is the so called card then and where did it open? On the tile, under it, pop up? Anyway, its hard they are doing and hope they dont go too far with the modern hype stuff and be true to their identity. Or at least give option. And like others, uhh i was really exited to see some 3D, even a small alpha progress...
  3. If no-one knows there are crazy good DBs for FM24 that has ability to add also regens that will be real players in their first clubs. Had good fun with these. They have good instructions up there or on youtube. https://themadscientistfm.wixsite.com/website
  4. So well optimized player is high AC and Pace? I mean it does sound bad if you think about it. I understand the view that using OP stats and we can give leavay that he is using it everywhere and can counter opponents well. We can see the point where opponent will push them more and you can exploit the counter. But my biggest issue is that opponents are not scoring... He did not show much of the scores and how many goals he conceived, but some screenshots he showed should not be real. Spurs and Chelsea scoring only 1 goal against this kind of team? I think his top scorer in one season was with 9 goals. This means he did not need much keep that GD near -5 as seen. Why are not top teams unable to score? Half the PL team attackers should find easy to score against them.
  5. Jup, Hope they wont close that part off from us. It all comes down to how they build architecture etc and allow potential mods inserted into the game. DB, logos etc are so small parts. I am talking about assets, stadiums etc. Will be interesting to see their approach.
  6. Graphical improvements are all good etc. But biggest hope is to get some more immersion, have variety in stadiums, crowd, pitch etc. I assume they wont be able to push it too much the first releases as ME and little parts must be working and that is fine. But considering it is Unity, there is hope that we can have bigger impact from modding community to the environments we play in. Custom low league stadiums, fans, flags, celebration etc. Hope we can do it, would love to jump back into unity also. And regarding the licensing reveled. I understand it is a big thing, but would hope they dont expect this to be enough for promised news. Exited, but as always need to wait and see.
  7. Would be wise to hit some news with Euros coming and push some people to FM and exiting up for FM25. And please, if you wont share any news Q2, then let us also know, because this was promised.
  8. Uhh love to see your update. Finally maybe to give a shot to FM24 Thank you so much for hard work. Anyone has some good set up file to share with best countries and leagues picked for long term save?
  9. And it happened in final form as I expected. How can this be acceptable player interaction. The bad teamtalk happened with second game Slavija where i accidentaly said you performed wrong as SI HASE CHANGED THE positsion of the good vs bad talk in the list for no good reason. Was quick memory click but all has been going well for now but he is stil unhappy and there is nothing to do. The unhappines dont even match. I made bad team talk okey, for somereason after saying i will do better it went to reduce number of unhappy players. Now it ended that my teamtalks have been bad. I Can just feel how my good save will be derailed because of this as he is vice captain.
  10. What defines team of the week formation for league? It is constantly the same and not including any wingers.
  11. Got that "sweet" player unhappiness thing myself now also. Accidentally did harsh team talk in end of the match because of misslick in preseason friendly. One influential guy was mad, i said yea sorry as i knew it would be going more crazier if i start fighting, so the promise was added to him to do better and reduce unhappiness in the squad( How the hell can u do it in reality?) So season started, all going well for our semi-pro club. 5 wins in a row. 2 months has past the "accident". Squad moral is good or higher and yet the guy is telling me i am not keeping up my promise enough to reduce unhappiness. What more can I do to even reduce unhappiness with the minimal interaction we have in the game. Firstly how is he still annoyed and why is there such a promise that in reality can only influenced by winning?
  12. So almost 5h? You can still ask, just not the automatic one. Write down why, what is missing etc. Steam will give you refund even if you have played longer amount of h. Just need to explain why
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