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Everything posted by saihtam

  1. But how old the "meat" is? I mean, it is not all about graphics or running game faster, it is constant missunderstanding when talking of lower req specs. They are building very complex system on top of very complex system, that is old. At somepoint gotta ask if parts of FM could be better if something is rewriten from legacy side and made a bit more modern. If you base your minimal AI on low specs you have set those standards too low. It is not only changing the fact that your game runs slower. Ofc graphics updates some part could be cool also, or varierty in stadiums, fans, celebrations etc. If you start going backwards of the previous FM headline features you will start seeing that features coming in are not that ground breakting (ofc they can always be) But rather see like bloating some parts up with feature that really is not creating new uniqe situation, just new screens full of information that most skip or wont use, nothing AI could use to make itself smarter. Lot of headline features are new revamped screens or info that might be good for user to see, but not that much bringin up the game from AI. I think if I remember correclty we have gotten one new role for CB in the past few years, a bit changes into tactical wording to stream line it and some match fitnes or sharpness changes. The feeling is that they very carefully adding(or reworking) few pieces here or there, becase there is some cap that they cant build on their AI or ME.
  2. And how many new players it might add? Or the ones who are cut out for maybe one year and then decide to upgrade to get better game. We can speculate endlesly with these things, but in modern game development or in any business that are so long lasting, you need to take leaps and take advantage of things surrounding you.
  3. I understand the good itent you are talking and it is good comparisson, but fifa graphics are never happening and not the main goal of this thread. The complixecty of the engine and all animations etc hand made and too complex to achive something like this. Maybe in far far future. We want to see push to better graphical fidelity for sure, for better and realistic stadiums. For me personaly the biggest want is to have more complex AI, tactics and more systems baked into the ME and the game.
  4. They are SO lucky not to have competition. In business you should be moving along with trends and up your game. I still have my concerns in the downgrade from stadiums after 2017, think it was lowered just to handle potential new stuff in ME. I would assume they would need to capture new players also not holding on to older ones. Wonder if they have then data also how many newer people skip releases on drop the game, with newer hardware. Only 2m copies a year is not little number. Bear in mind this is constant and hitting 1-2mil sold EVERY YEAR is huge number. There are games that sell few million one per game and in 3-5 years make a sequel. Take into consideration there is not similar marketing some games are doing that is eating most revenue for game company. Marketing is minimal for them. Dont forget they are also getting fixed cash money from Microsoft because of Gamepass. I dont assume they are making huge bangs of money, but they are no way close on the edge of staying alive. The two tiered game is the possibility I see. Definitely might strain their workforce a bit, but there's clear option to do it with Touch version as it can be played also on PC.
  5. @(sic)@BuzzR Really glad to see old topic coming more to life and maybe push SI to take some consideration to push game itself. Just sad that many people round this topic into some fifa graphics and need for super computers. It has never been for that. It is to move on from legacy and unleash capabilities that AI and the game could do.
  6. I like that they are brining womens football into the game. But that does not give them the excuse to reduce new stuff next year. If we are looking this purely from the view of the game, the womans football biggest resource from SI should be the database, collecting all the info all over the leagues they will cover, reworking the league structures and playtest it. And next big thing is to rework player models from male to female. It is HUGE thing to have female football in the game. It is very big step in terms of the game yes. But there is no core changes that should be incopriated to the womans football. I doubt they will rework the AI or match engine specificly to the womans football. I am glad to see min specs are getting more talked about. The belt is so tight for using old hardware as minimul requirments. We are not here talking about processing the game or how it looks. They are holding themselfes back how much and what they can write into the AI and ME, there is definetly limit of how many features on features they can insert to the game. Thats why new feature year after year have gone down in their scope and feeling more as a filler. I undersetand the need for having the playerbase from older hardware, thats why we dont leap in this regards. We can add somewhat sliders for graphics but we cant do it for ME. The risky but logical step would have two versions. Just like we already have with touch and full PC version(btw the current ME must run on tablet hardware... this already is blocking point for FM future evolution). Have the touch version for the lower end PC and move a bit step ahead with new version. It definetly be hard to maintain these two versions, but it maybe would act as transitsion plan for few years. Ofcourse all is not easy and clear like said. But it just feels after more than decade playing FM, being in tech field, playing games and watching the development of them. Then compare this to the evolution that FM has done, feels lacking.
  7. Think this was shown last year also and seems to be their internal tool
  8. I baffled on some opinnion that international footbal gives nothing and is boring. Is it not the biggest stage in football? Isnt there something we all wait for every 4 years? Maybe the mechanics seem ofcourse a bit boring compared to league gameplay, but this is the place SI should be doing some immersion stuff. Build up special scenario for WC or big events. Make it feel achivment, make it feel special. God damn have atleast different trophy celebration, not just reskin the colors of the shirt.... Some of the features are good to have maybe. Lets see how AI will use these new negotiation tactics. Think it will just give another upper hand to player and AI transfers and managment still is bad. Other features feel like patch. Honestly there are games that update animations, stability, some balances etc, they do them as patches or some smaller DLCs that add these smaller "headline features" that we must pay full price. And after full price payed, we are in the same limbo that has issues at the begginning of the game and need to wait their assigned timeframe patch to get fixed( Often issues from previous version releases are popping out to next release...) About stagnation of FM in longer run. I feel like a broken record. I have not been very active anymore recent years but brought out this few years ago. Still feel root causes come from the specs being very low and SI riding on it( i have heard enough that they see specs that most users use, it is not a reason if we bring it out every year). You are limited running and depending on older hardware. Some legacy and SI flows of working and processes seems to be holding things back. I honestly hope there are many developers that want the best for this game series and to achive many goals. It just feels... empty. Some tweaks and updates have made things better but looking at the past year I cant seem to shake the feeling that the features and updates between new releases could have easliy been patches, small DLC addition with roster update and smaller feature added. Yes SI cant add DLC as features and lock them out for some people as the ME is complex and cant single out things like this. The view is just these "headline features" dont feel big enough to be sepereate full priced releases. If anyone interested in the old post and compare some specs from long FM to this day the post is here. As we can see nothing has changed in spec wise from fm20 vs fm23. I had high hopes when heard about going to 64bit. But feels this had minimal effect and maybe SI just bought some more time forthemself to run on this.
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