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  1. The whole *do a tactic overhaul on January 1st because the rock bottom team with only seven points and no goals in eight games are now Brazil 1970* aspect is gamey is hell and needs tweaking to be at leaat a bit more subtle imho
  2. There's a low level snark within this post which is quite commonly used in this forum and should be avoided imo, a player can still hold an opinion on their enjoyment of the game without submitting a single bug report - fwiw l disagree with the poster and think the ME is pretty good but it should not be the case where feedback is assessed against number of bug reports, especially when one considers how many niggly bugs are still in the game which have been reported for several years, many times over.
  3. The glossary you mention, if implemented correctly, would be immensely helpful. There is a big gap between what a player would like to organise his team to do and what buttons require pressing in order to arrange this, regardless of footballing knowledge - I'm a 4-4-2 hoof ball dinosaur who has played fm for decades but still can't say to my DLP(D) to repeatedly smash the ball over the opposing left backs head for my W(A) to run on to at half time, l have to suss out which instructions do *what* and they often take longer to fathom than the ten second verbal instruction I'd give irl.
  4. How in holy hell is the stadium expansion bug still in the game - l mean, seriously? This is literally game-breaking and was reported as a bug in the year of our lord two thousand and seventeen, this is the sixth consecutive year SI have released a broken game, really not good enough.
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