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57 "Houston, we have a problem"

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  1. Hi both. I tried this and the error just occurs on the next game instead. I also tried going back to an old autosave but that got stuck on the city game too 1 EDIT: Holidaying worked this tine. Thanks both. Very relieved!
  2. Thank you. Please update me if you can. As you will see I am ALOT of hours into that save and worried that I've lost it!
  3. Hi Zachary It's called: 'Jake Lee - Journey - Continue doesnt work.fm'
  4. Game date is 15 Jul 2028 and when I hit 'continue' or space bar it just won't do anything. It's not frozen as I can click around other menus but I just cannot progress any further. Its the eve of a friendly that my assistant manager is going to do. I have tried to upload the save but it says the file is too large so I uploaded in OwnCloud although not sure if it is pulling through. Is this a known issue? It's a v annoying one as I can't do anything in the save!
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