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367 "Greed, for lack of a better word, is good"

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  1. Surely possible, but honestly there are some very concrete signs that it’s gonna be rough this year
  2. Nobody is saying that it’s a bad introduction. Just saying that, especially during big transitions, you need to PRIORITIZE some things. They cleary could not handle women football in this edition. Why forcing it? Again, it’s a positive introdution, but I cannot see fans making it a priority over having a complete game a the beginning of November and not one month later, or over having well done international management.
  3. Yeah maybe it’s better because you did not make a single logically valid point in the whole discussion
  4. I am not afraid of anything, I am just observing this disastrous lead up to the game and trying to analyze the causes of this imminent disaster. You’re just being oblivious to what is in front of your own eyes. This is probably the worst game announcement in gaming history, and you’re here telling me that a bit more resources available for core areas of the game wouldn’t have been useful?? 🤣 You’re the one getting political here, I’m just being pragmatic.
  5. Adding the second league in belarus is just a matter of expanding the player database, it does not take a complete revamp of the match engine because it is the SAME sport. Women’s football is not. Cmon guys, we’re all adults here, let’s try not to by play dumb
  6. Ethically speaking?? This is a videogame company, not the labourist party. And I cannot see what would be “unethical” about not including women football. At the moment, it is a very low level sport with little competition and even less fans. Given this logic, it would be unethical not to have “cricket manager 25” because cricket fans would somehow feel excluded? To answer to you second point, it does not take a genius to understand that women’s football is going to be the number 1 new feature of the game, they tried to advertise it in any way possible and it’s the first point of their “timeline”. So, it is safe to assume that it took the majority of the resources as far as new features are concerned. To conclude, I am not a bigot by any means. I just do not see or understand how including women’s football into a game is going to be a groundbreaking step forward for anything societally relevant. It is just a game at the end of the day. But it is definitely going to take away resources from other areas of the game that really needed improvements and most fans consider critical.
  7. But in all honesty, I really do not understand. Like, they must know that a super narrow percentage of their fanbase cared about women’s football. They must have conducted some sort of market analysis beforehand. And yet, they still deployed the majority of their resources on a feature that is considered insignificant by most. Now, either someone is lobbying heavily behind the scenes for political purposes, or this is just incomprensibile.
  8. Think about it. With the disastrous state of this game, they thought that hiding the weight was a priority 🤣 The matrix is stronger than I thought man
  9. This whole situations’s just comical man. And least we can have a good laugh while we see our favourite game in shambles. The announcement of the announcement was just some next level stuff. Who’s in charge in this company 🤣
  10. I am just flabbergasted by this answer. Squad building is still buggy and honestly very bad. The “improved” squad building could by no means be advertised as an headline feature. Last time I am buying this game, I’m tired. Not only you do not deliver, you also do not apologize when it happens. I am afraid this brand is reaching its end
  11. But how is it possibile that a 130 CA player is forced to play in the 4th division of German football? This is not realistic at all. The B Team should be composed by players that are a good fit for the league they are playing in. It is pointless to have Bundesliga level players playing in the amateurs leagues. It does not happen in real life. B teams are functional only as long as they provide good growth to youngsters, not the other way around. Even more considering that in FM they get zero growth by playing in leagues that are not good enough for their level. I’ll provide more examples, but that needs fixing, it is undoutable.
  12. I do not know, but the fact that the team is answering to every single bug post aside from this one is concerning. The update did not solve a thing, yet they seem unwilling to acknowledge it. I need once again to outline, that we are taking time out of our free time to post here evidence of the bugs. And we do not even get an answer.
  13. By the way, to prove that I am not whining pointlessly, this is a screenshot from BVB 2nd team after FM23 last update. Just compare it to the situation in my post above. It's incredible, you guys just seem to take 1 step forward and 5 steps back
  14. By the way, to prove that I am not whining pointlessly, this is a screenshot from BVB 2nd team after FM23 last update. Just compare it to the situation in my post above. It's incredible, you guys just seem to take 1 step forward and 5 steps back
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