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57 "Houston, we have a problem"

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  1. Hold shape is the build up shape, which is more used for possession football for patient build up "Hold shape will ask the players to adopt a more considered and patient approach, keeping the ball and retaining their formation, before then building an attack"
  2. Last 3 games won 2 1 draw(lost on penaties) just need to make a way to create more as seem to be a struggle
  3. Looking like I've gone about this tactic all wrong May have to restart it from scratch again
  4. Oh with ya now 😂. Yeah that’s true. If went with Rashford up top what role would you say DLF still? And then would the IF-A still suitable for Martial?
  5. Only problem with the IFB and IWB combo is I have 2 Full Backs who like to bomb forward by traits which makes the IFB role awkward as they likely go off anyway I think? Yeah I did try the Winger roles didn't quite pan out through Pre Season but could try again. Maybe I'll give Rashford a Inside Forward-A with a Winger-S on the wings Yeah I agree Martial is more the back up until Hojlund is back fit as starts Injured until 2-3 games in to the season, and didn't have funds to sign a new one to cover the gap left by Hojlund's injury . Martial is only an inch shorter than Rashford though lol but agreed hes more suited to the striker role than Martial. I tried the Advance Playmaker vs Chelsea for Bruno got 7.7, 95% pass completion, 4 Key Passes & 3 CCC with 7 shots 28% on target. But having him as a False Nine is a interesting strategy to say the least!
  6. I could try the BTB and AP combo. Played Arsenal and we struggled to say the least they had 0.57 and I 0.21 which is barbaric and finished 0-0. So willing to give anything to get things going. If not a IWB what would you suggest to have on one side? This is currently the set up and who I had start in the last game: I am thinking of going with a CF-s & IF-s on the left potentially in future
  7. I used to play 4-2-3-1 last couple versions wanting to go with 4-3-3 especially given the variety of ways to play it in attacking phase
  8. I have 2 IWB -s to pack the midfield and support the DM who's legs aren't going to last most games, eventually a Libero is the plan once get a player more rounded to play it It's for Bruno I can never seem to find many roles that have him perform well along with being a threat in terms of goals and assists. Not sure how to line up the midfield without the as he doesn't always perform as the Mez so thought Mount as a Mez along with Bruno a CM s with get further forward, roam, move into channels and take more risks would offer some of the rotation that is hard coded into certain roles
  9. @Cloud9 for a possession side would you say the 3 man midfield of a Mezzela(s) -Defensive Midfielder(s) - Central Midfielder(s)/Box-To-Box is what would be needed for that Creator, Runner and Enforcer style of profiles
  10. Think he was already a top player but think he got another boost in winter update
  11. Not like he posted it without it being hidden least it was hidden.
  12. Performance analysts come under the coaching category so would imagine it would improve them in one way or another. Probably be putting together a formula to put what they want to do on training pitch on the playing pitch to then aid their development from it
  13. Kept him as the game is, and letting him go when contract expires
  14. Not used him as Libero or DM. Used Varane as the Libero when I did have that role in my tactic. Restarted my save as wasn't happy how the team were playing particularly Martinez and Onana
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